
Shelley von Strunckel 2010年运

12 10006
Aries 白羊
March 21– April 19
Your year to come 2010

This may be one of the most exciting years of your life, although as it begins, you’d be forgiven for thinking it will be the most challenging. Difficulties involving close alliances, at home or in business, continue to cause genuine concern. With eclipses in January and midyear shaking things up, there’s no simple solution. Rather this requires patience and scrupulously honest discussions. Frustrating as delays are, they ensure you’re free to take advantage of the life-changing ideas or offers promised by Jupiter’s encounter with Uranus in Aries on June 8th. What takes place then revolutionises your thinking - and your future. Love and Relationships Expect intense discussion, change and the occasional crisis. This intensifies close alliances. However, while you’re emotionally equipped to deal with this, others may not be. Thus you’ll need to offer support and be patient, even when feeling aggravated. The results justify the effort. Finances and Work The year’s ups and downs are reflected in your financial life. Knowing that, take an uncharacteristically cautious approach to money matters. Save first, investigate thoroughly before investing and, if in doubt, say no. It’s not exciting. But it avoids costly mistakes. Health and Well Being The fast pace is thrilling but exhausting. So approach 2010 as if you were training for a marathon. Make eating well and working out routine and you’ll have the resilience necessary when sudden developments – both crises and opportunities – demand extra energy.

2010-01-01 17:11:42 安 (不能再姑息自己了...) 白羊翻译来了~





2010-01-01 17:14:36 降落伞 (在人间) 白羊

发表于 2010-1-2 20:41:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

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safa! YC40YC
发表于 2010-3-8 07:22:35 | 只看该作者

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Pisces 双鱼
February 19– March 20
Your year to come 2010

You may have already made plans for 2010. If so, regard them as tentative, since with powerful planetary activity involving the inventive Uranus, which is positioned in Pisces, you’ll be dealing with a stream of exciting developments. While, obviously, the resulting changes will be unsettling, you’ll also benefit handsomely in terms of encounters, enriching arrangements and, possibly, worthwhile alliances. Life’s so good, in fact, that you could feel guilty about those who’re still struggling. Don’t. Denying yourself pleasures won’t improve things for them. In fact, if you’ve any challenge, it’s putting yourself first during this otherwise dramatic, but very exciting, year. Love and Relationships Others may complain when changes in your life disrupt theirs. If so, point out the countless times you’ve accommodated their needs. Being tough isn’t easy but the results convince you it’s a wise policy. One you might continue with when things are calmer. Finances and Work Brilliant but completely unexpected developments shake up every element of your life, but most especially practical matters. The chaos this causes may be unsettling, but it crams as many opportunities into a short a time as possible. Health and Well Being Being able to enjoy this fantastic period requires balance, which means taking regular breaks. You can’t wait until things settle down, because they won’t. So instead, simply fit in time for your physical, mental and spiritual well being.

2010-01-01 22:02:37 把灯关上 (penny)




发表于 2010-1-2 20:44:04 | 只看该作者

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Aquarius 水瓶
January 20 – February 18
Your year to come 2010

As much as you enjoy meeting new people and venturing into intriguing places, certain elements of your life are sacred, in that you simply wouldn’t consider altering them. However, destiny, in the form of a series of powerful aspects by both the practical Saturn and expansive Jupiter to your ruler Uranus, from April of this year until early 2011, both shake up that world – and introduce you to exciting if entirely unexpected options. Initially some seem unrealistic, others unappealing. But the more you learn, the greater your fascination. Enough that you soon recognise you’re on a rich and rewarding journey of discovery. Love and Relationships No sign values close relationships, romantic and otherwise, more than you. So when shifting circumstances cause changes, you can suffer. However, both you and others need space. While you’ll add new people to your life, those you care about most will reappear. Finances and Work Planning may be a virtue. But during 2010, with its frequent but stunningly exciting changes, you’d only be making constant revisions. Initially this loose approach puts you on edge. Once you discover the freedom that comes with it, you never look back. Health and Well Being Being really busy is fun, but can disrupt the routines that keep you in good shape. If so, temporarily adopt a more flexible approach, perhaps while exploring new activities with the amazing people you encounter all year.

2010-01-01 22:36:34 lyra 水瓶

你是喜欢结识新朋友,去新地方冒险的人,生活中某些事情对于你也是神圣不可改变的。然而现实命运给你带来了挑战,今年4月到2011年年初,现实的土星和扩张的木星,运行到你的守护星天王星,将带来一系列强烈的星象, 整个世界都被影响到了---你将面临一些不预期的充满刺激的选择。有些选择最初可能看着不切实际,其他则看上去不那么吸引人。但随着你慢慢深入,你会魅力激增,你也逐渐认识到自己正处在一段美妙的探险旅程中。



发表于 2010-1-2 20:43:57 | 只看该作者

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Capricorn 摩羯
December 22– January 19
Your year to come 2010

In a way, your new year began in mid-November of last year, when your ruler Saturn tangled with the uncompromising Pluto, and you began a cycle that extends well into 2010, during which you’ll be facing personal issues and altering the structure of your life. Dramatic as this sounds, you’ve known about some of these situations for ages. Daunting as they seem, plunge in and you’re soon discovering new ideas and making worthwhile alliances. Keep things loose, however, since sudden changes in the actual circumstances you’re dealing with, midyear, could substantially alter your options and your priorities. Love and Relationships Accommodating others’ dramas when you’re dealing with your own can be tricky. Discussing concerns about your feelings openly doesn’t come naturally to you, but is essential if you’re to maintain an emotional equilibrium. Finances and Work When facing sudden changes, you tend to avoid everything else until all is resolved. During 2010, with its ongoing twists, that simply won’t work. Learn to do what you can each day. That accomplished, close the door on practicalities and focus on life’s joys. Health and Well Being During a year that raises questions about your life, activities and priorities, taking breaks isn’t just about a holiday. It’s about re-evaluation. Seek out places that restore your body while giving your mind and spirit a chance to roam.

2010-01-01 17:37:46 富来雪 (狮心占线) 魔羯啊

发表于 2010-1-2 20:43:50 | 只看该作者

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Sagittarius 射手
November 22 – December 21
Your year to come 2010

Usually you’re the first to discover something new and exciting. But there are places and people you avoid because you fear they’ll be boring or restrictive. They might be. But with your ruler Jupiter moving between three signs during the year, which is itself unusual, and accenting intriguing ideas, your work and lifestyle, as well as what brings you joy, life will be rich and full of unfamiliar experiences – some, those you’ve been deliberately sidestepping. Initially you might struggle against these. Once you get involved, and you may have no choice, you both overcome fears about such matters and discover the freedom that comes with such fearlessness. Love and Relationships Don’t be surprised if you rely on friends and loved ones more than usual. These relationships provide an anchor during this unsettled but productive period. It also gives you a chance to strengthen links with those who mean most. Finances and Work Frequent and dramatic changes could overwhelm even you. View life as if you were on a holiday, one that takes you to a new locale every couple of days, and you’ll enjoy the moment, yet be prepared to move on when the time comes. Health and Well Being Tempting as it is to decompress by collapsing or indulging in some way, it’s not the ideal strategy. Actually, your best bet is challenging both your mind and body, perhaps with a variety of activities, each of which stretches you in some way.

2010-01-02 15:31:23 微扬 (UP~) 射手座

通常,你是第一个发现一些新的、令人兴奋的事情的人。但也有一些地方和人们是你避免的,因为你担心他们无聊或有限制性。他们有这个可能的。但是,掌管你的木星,在本年中会在三个宫间移动,它本身不寻常的,并带着一种有趣的含义,你的工作和生活方式,以及如何为你带来的快乐,在你不熟悉的生活方面将会丰富经验----你一直刻意回避的那些。最初,你可能就曾对这些努力过。一旦你参与,你可能没有选择,你们对这些问题,克服恐惧 发现自由,表现得如此无畏。



发表于 2010-1-2 20:43:43 | 只看该作者

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Scorpio 天蝎
October 23 – November 21
Your year to come 2010

While you revere the truth and distrust those who’re unreliable, you’re not always prepared to face difficult facts or acknowledge them to others. However, last November’s clash between Saturn and your ruler Pluto, which is repeated in late January and in August, gave you a glimpse of issues, personal and otherwise, you’d have to own up to and talk about, sometimes in uncomfortable situations. Ironically, these frank exchanges form a foundation for discussion of exciting but extremely unsettling events midyear. Worrying as this are initially, these appear often, and each gives you a chance to overcome once insurmountable restrictions, often in a single leap. Love and Relationships Others are struggling and, obviously, you want to support them. But the can mean backing off, and allowing them to get it wrong. If so, express your concerns once, and clearly, then let them know you’ll be there for them, whatever they decide. Finances and Work When seemingly unfair events shake things up, your instinctive response is to battle to maintain the status quo. Actually, even sudden and unsettling developments are helping you break away from familiar but restrictive patterns. Explore every option. What seems least likely soon wins you over. Health and Well Being The year’s stresses could accumulate in the form of feeling unwell, overwhelming fatigue or sudden sensitivities. Combat this by adopting calming activities. These needn’t be boring. While yoga or meditation are brilliant, regular salsa dancing will do the trick, too.

2010-01-01 20:35:43 安 (迎风起航) Scorpio 天蝎




发表于 2010-1-2 20:43:35 | 只看该作者

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Libra 天秤
September 23– October 22
Your year to come 2010

Recognise that the questions you’re facing don’t have a single, simple answer but are instead urging you to break away from comfortable ways of thinking and living, and you eliminate the year’s primary source of frustration. 2010 begins with practical Saturn in Libra accenting this fresh perspective, and well as highlighting arrangements and alliances, personal and work-related, you could well do without. Dramatic events mid-year accelerate this process. But it’s not until the self-possessed Mars arrives in late July, for a five-week stay, that you know what you really want, and are prepared to say so. After that, everything else is perfectly straightforward. Love and Relationships Acknowledge that there’s no simple solution, either for others’ problems or joint issues and instead of brooding, you’ll begin a worthwhile – if lengthy – dialogue. And be forthright. A lasting accord begins with hard facts. Finances and Work Seemingly unfair changes in the way or setting of your daily routine won’t be welcome. However, they force you to consider alternatives that otherwise you’d have ignored. Not all will suit. But some send you in unexpected and ultimately profitable directions. Health and Well Being Promising you’ll set aside time for yourself is easy. Actually doing it is another matter. Saturn’s presence in Libra teaches you to do exactly that. This isn’t just about fitness. It’s about quiet, reflection and sometimes simply getting away from everybody.

2010-01-01 14:17:18 zoya (别告诉老师)

需要认识到,您所遇到的问题,没有一个单一的,简单的答案,而是迫切需要你突破安逸的思维和生活方式,并且消除这一年的可能的挫折的主要来源。 2010的开始即有重视实际的土星落在在天秤座,它将带来新的观点,并在与个人和与工作有关的方面突出计划和合作的重要性,这将是你所不可或缺的。年中发生的戏剧性事件将增加这一影响。这一影响不会持续到七月下旬,彼时自制的火星抵达,开始为期5星期的逗留,你将知道你真正想要的,并准备付诸实践。在此之后,一切事情都将非常简单。
发表于 2010-1-2 20:43:28 | 只看该作者

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Virgo 处女
August 23 – September 22
Your year to come 2010

The period between September of 2007 and last October, during which Saturn was in Virgo, may have been tough. But you also dealt with and accomplished an enormous amount. Review this now, considering what you still want to tackle when it returns to your sign, from early April until late July. Between now and then, however, many elements of your world and that of others are changing, enough that you’ll revise your priorities, possibly several times. Knowing that, forget about making a master plan. You soon realise there’s no justification for your usual caution and are taking chances and doing exactly what you want. Love and Relationships Don’t confuse dramas involving those closest as an indication things are going wrong. Actually, this is a healthy and well-timed clear out of both ancient and unnoticed issues. Discuss each as it arises, then let it go. Completely. This achieves miracles. Finances and Work You’re in the midst of a profoundly unsettling period. This won’t be comfortable but frees you from outdated hopes. As they go, events turn your attention to potentially rewarding ideas. Explore every single one of them. Health and Well Being Most Virgos have an instinct for the sort of exercise and diet that suits them. Your mental diet is another matter. Continuing to dwell on old problems and obsessing on new ones only makes things seem worse. The remedy? A worry-free regime.

2010-01-01 17:30:12 lyra




发表于 2010-1-2 20:43:19 | 只看该作者

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Leo 狮子
July 23– August 22
Your year to come 2010

By early 2010, you’ll already be conscious that you need to rearrange elements of your life, but won’t be sure where or how to begin. Ideally you’ll keep things loose until early June, when Mars, the planet of ego and courage, ends its lengthy stay in Leo. Happily, events then clear the path for you to pursue goals you once regarded as unobtainable. True, this means taking chances and leaving familiar elements of your life behind. Once you begin, you realise you needn’t do it all at once. Rather, you continue to explore various unexpected options and refine your vision of the future. Love and Relationships With your generous nature, you adore doing things for others. But you’re hurt when they not as caring. Obvious as your needs and desires are to you, they can’t read your mind. Now you learn to hint at these, if not ask frankly. Finances and Work Irritating as having to adjust to constant changes may be, it ensures you’re aware when unexpected opportunities appear suddenly. During this unpredictable year, you must be prepared to revise both your financial and professional strategy regularly. Health and Well Being Leo pride ensures you maintain a healthy body and sound diet. Stress is another matter. Make learning to unwind your priority. This could involve anything from meditation to taking up gardening, ballroom dancing or learning to play an instrument. Just do it.

2010-01-02 15:34:22 Chris 狮子

发表于 2010-1-2 20:42:41 | 只看该作者

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