
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天枰座天平座2010年1月运势

3 15215
Libra Horoscope for January 2010

By Susan Miller

This has all the makings of a landmark month. Your career and future ambitions will need all your attention from the moment the year takes off. You will have a full moon lunar eclipse on December 31 or January 1, depending on the geography and zone you happen to be in.

Although you may find yourself in the throes of change this month, other planets - particularly Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn - will be on your side and help you succeed in ways that may astound you. Have faith in yourself, dear Libra. Saturn in Libra, a place Saturn has taken up residence since last October (set to continue for several years), may occasionally make you doubt yourself. Don't - you have what it takes, and the willingness to give your "all" to your projects.

This first eclipse, a full moon lunar eclipse, will bring a career matter to culmination or end and pave the way for a new cycle to begin. You may have already given notice that you are leaving your job, and if so, December 31 is likely to be your last day. This eclipse could alternatively bring a finish to a major project or trigger a major promotion for you. It could allow you to open the doors to your own business. There are other possibilities. You may hear that your boss is leaving at this time - quite a shocking development - or you may finally get an answer about a position you've been interviewing for lately.

Saturn will be at hard angles to that eclipse, so it is clear you will feel some pressure. Be as practical and as unemotional as you can be, and show good follow-through. With Saturn hovering, your attention to detail will be important. You may need to acknowledge a previously made commitment or work within narrow parameters - without many options - but only for now. If you've felt overworked and overburdened lately, choose which commitments can be changed or dropped to free you to a more balanced, less hectic lifestyle. By reducing extraneous elements in your life you will be able to pay more attention to the things that matter to you - both in your personal and professional life - and do a better job on those.

If you were born within four or five days of October 3, you will feel this lunar eclipse powerfully. If you were not born near this date, you may only feel mild effects from this eclipse. Keep in mind that I cannot see all the planets in your chart - if you know you have planets within five degrees of 10 degrees Libra, Aries, Capricorn, or Cancer, those planets will be activated even if your birthday does not fall in the first week of October.

For a little more information about this lunar eclipse, you may want to re-read the report I wrote for you last month, in December. The last month's report is always left up on Astrology Zone and you can find the link below the summary but above my P.S. (my post script). Right now you might want to do a "Command + Find" (Mac) or "Ctrl + F" (PC) and search for these words: "Previous Month's Forecast."

Now let's turn to the second eclipse, due January 15. With a crowd of planets in your fourth house of home, including the new moon and Sun (forming a solar eclipse), Venus, Mercury, and Pluto, you are likely to have quite a lot going on at home or in regard to a family situation. You may be moving to a new city, possibly because you took a new job or because you think you can get better results in a different part of the country. If you've hoped to buy new furniture or order a contractor to create custom built-ins, or to sell, buy, or renovate a house or other property, you can now, after the new moon solar eclipse appears. All your home-related plans will fall into place in the days and weeks that follow that solar eclipse.

You are about to become very energized by your plans - with Uranus sending a perfect beam to Venus (beauty) and the Sun (strength), you are likely to get a sudden home or family-related or friend's tip. When the news arrives, it will come like a lightning bolt, so be ready to make nearly instant decisions. There's no telling when news will occur - it could happen within four days of January 15, or a month to the day later, in mid-February. Those born on or near October 14-22 will feel this January 15 eclipse most directly.

Mercury will go direct on January 15, and in the days that follow, you will enter into a far better environment for making key decisions and purchases - do not do so prior to this date. In fact, any deal or decision that did not work out in the past weeks, or that you changed your mind about at the last minute, will prove to be fortunate that you left behind. Something better will come up now. The time to begin your home-related project or enact your deal will be from January 18 and beyond. If you were disheartened that you could not progress in recent weeks, you'll feel elated when you see how quickly you do in the second half of January.

If your physical home is not your focus this month, one of your parents, or an authority family figure, will be. In that case, you will have to juggle your career demands with someone who needs you urgently at home. You may feel like you have twelve plates spinning on sticks at once, so it won't be easy, but you can do it.
发表于 2009-12-31 16:32:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

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发表于 2010-1-14 23:19:44 | 只看该作者

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译者---Chu Lim










爱情强势日:1月2, 10, 20-22, 23-25 & 29-30号



2010年开年便彰显力量。12月31号的月蚀一定带来了工作上的某些惊人变化吧?月蚀象征着某些事情将告一段落,若你们的工作还没多大的变化,相信我,一定离你们不远了。若你们刚刚离职,1月就会立马有新岗位了。但因为水逆,这份新工作可能在你任职期间有变数,什么时候能稳定下来也讲不好,若你们不满现状,请相信自己是有能力在以后做改变的。本次月蚀可以说对你们影响不小,所以即使你们还没有为跳槽做好充分准备,迟早是会去做的,随机应变吧!在 10月3号前后5天出生的天平的事业领域将最受其影响。若你们一直勤勤恳恳,那将会为你们的工作发展打下坚实的地基,并助你们扩展宏图。














爱情罗曼日:1月2, 10, 20-22, 23-25, 29-30号


发表于 2010-1-1 20:53:52 | 只看该作者

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Although home and career news are likely to be positive, that does not necessarily mean you will be calm throughout this month. You may feel tension. Take a deep breath and attend to what you can change or fix, and don't stress about the things you can't.

Saturn will be in hard angle to Pluto, so you might have to battle a person like a landlord, tenant, contractor - someone you hire - or members of your own family who may lock horns with you because they are bent on having their own way. This eclipse is favoring you, so chances are, you'll win this round. Although it may be tense at times, particularly at month's end, rely on your intellect and practical sensibilities to argue your case.

The antidote for any stress you may feel will be to spend time with friends and to be open to making the acquaintance of new people, too. Mars is still making his long journey through your people / communities center, so if you can venture out, it would do you a world of good. Sign up to attend trade shows, troll online communities, volunteer for a charity, or attend a club meeting of a group you already belong to. Mars is retrograde, so a few old pals may show up now, and you'll be really glad to see them.

By the full moon, January 30, a weekend, you are likely to be rubbing shoulders with many friendly people and you seem to have an event you are eager to attend. This full moon will be in the pampering sign of Leo, so whatever you do will have a dash of luxury or refinement about it. Leo rules entertainment too, so whatever it is on your agenda, you seem to love what's on the "program." This would include a wedding, birthday party, or other celebratory event - it would be fun!

If you were born on or within days of October 3 (yes, that birthday again!) you will give this weekend quadruple gold stars.

Romantically, life will begin to zing once Venus enters Aquarius on January 18 and the Sun brings his warmth from January 19 onward. Both will remain in your true love sector for several weeks and will set the stage for a simply divine Valentine's Day next month.

This month, romance will be best January 2, 10, 20-22, 23-25, and 29-30.

In a month brimming with news, you may be surprised to hear that you have one other sterling development, and it should make you very happy, too! Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will move into Pisces and your sixth house of health on January 17. I have studied Jupiter in the sixth house for years, and I have found it's the single best place to have Jupiter when you are hoping to get back to fitness and health. If you want to look your very best, here's your chance, dear Libra.

No matter what your goal happens to be - to get strong, sleek, and toned, or to address a chronic or serious health matter - hosting Jupiter in your sixth house will help you, now and in months ahead. Jupiter will stay for the majority of 2010, and as the months unfold, I will be giving you more advice on how to use this spectacular, once-in-twelve-year visit of this benefic planet.

Keep in mind that this is the house of preventative measures - in other words, all the things you do to keep yourself in tiptop health. It's the routines and conscious, consistent efforts you take - including scheduling regular medical checkups, getting regular exercise, eating a sensible diet, and giving up habits that are bad for you. Together they add up and help you to feel like a million dollars.

This same visit of Jupiter will ALSO help you find work if you have been unemployed, or new clients if you work on a freelance basis or have your own business. If you need to hire help, in the future finding people who are qualified, smart, and eager workers should become easier than ever. This will be true at your workplace, but also if you should need to hire household help too, such as a housekeeper, nanny, gardener, or other part-timer.

All in all, you have plenty to celebrate, dear Libra! You are starting the New Year in just the right way!


Your year will start out very strong. At the very end of last month, December 31, a lunar eclipse may have set off some very startling developments in your career. Lunar eclipses bring endings, so you may have found - or soon will - that your job is changing in a dramatic way. If you left one job, you may begin a new one in January, but because Mercury is retrograde, the job itself will evolve and change while you are in it. You may not know precisely where it will end, but if you find you don't like how things unfold, you may be able to make more changes up ahead. The eclipses are hitting some very powerful points in your chart, so even if you had not planned to switch jobs, you may do so anyway. Go with the flow - change is good. If you were born on or within five days of October 3, you will almost definitely see shifts in your professional status, and if you've worked hard, it will be to widen and solidify your base.

Your home situation is also about to make headlines in your life too, thanks to the solar eclipse of January 15. At that time, gathering planets in your home sector will help you make almost any kind of change you want, even if you were disappointed with skimpy options you found in the past. If you need to move, you've never had a better chance to find the space that feels "just right" for you. You need not make massive changes - almost any kind of change, involving style, organization, or structure, would be possible. Older buildings - even historic ones - or antique furniture could bring a bargain that excites you now. If you were born on or near October 18, this solar eclipse may be at first jarring, but in the end will cause you to find bright new solutions that you would not have found had circumstances not forced you to do so.

If your physical space is not undergoing change, alternatively you may be focused on one or more family member, possibly a parent, who may need help. If so, because Saturn is now in Libra, you will be in the best position to help. At the same time, you will have your hands full with other things going on in your life, so if you can delegate to other family members, you would be wise to do so.

The month won't be only about serious considerations of family, home, and career. There will be lovely social possibilities laced throughout the month too, and those will work to relax and rejuvenate you. One special day for romance will come on January 12 - all surprises will be perfectly special.

Once you get to January 20, the Sun will move into Aquarius, joining Venus already there, having arrived one day earlier. Any tensions of the month will begin to drain away and life will take on new luster. Friends will begin to call and suggest things to do, and having faced and settled many important questions during the month, you'll feel ready to let your hair down.

Networking and being open to new people is a major theme that started in October, when Mars first entered this same sector of your horoscope. Friends and even casual acquaintances will hold the keys to a dilemma you are trying to unknot. You may have overlooked one or two of your present contacts as a source of information and inspiration. Things will only get better as you go along. February will be positively dazzling.

If you were born in the first week of October, you will feel the soothing and uplifting effects of this full moon most, but all Libras will notice a definite easing of tensions. Enjoy yourself!

A group event will be the perfect diversion and reason to enjoy letting go and making new friends, and it will come at the full moon on January 30.

Libra Dates to Note

A surprising development in your career could come up January 1. Go with the flow. A woman VIP may announce a departure, or the very nature of your position may change. Or, you may leave your job. Don't worry if you don't have a new job yet - a far better one will turn up as all eclipses have a second act. This eclipse will work to your favor.

A home or family-related matter will require all your attention in weeks ahead starting January 15, due to the solar eclipse on that date.

Mercury will be retrograde until January 15. Do not sign contracts prior to that date. Far better dates to sign would be January 22-24.

Friends surrounding you in January are blessings. Look to them for good advice and important tips. With Mars retrograde, someone from the past is likely to show up to help you when you need him or her most.

An event that brings many friendly people together - that turns out to be very entertaining - will occur over the weekend of January 30.

Romance will be best: January 2, 10, 20-22, 23-25, and 29-30.

Jupiter will perk up your workaday house from January 17 onward all year, and you will find it easy to pick up new business if self-employed, or to get extra, well-paying assignments on the side if you work for others. You will also find it easier to hire new people to help you.

Never have you had a better time to get in shape than now, since Jupiter is in Pisces, starting January 17. Health and fitness shine.
发表于 2009-12-31 16:32:11 | 只看该作者

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