
标题: 苏珊·米勒Susan Miller双子座2010年1月运势 [打印本页]

作者: 汽车人    时间: 2009-12-31 16:19
标题: 苏珊·米勒Susan Miller双子座2010年1月运势
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Your January Horoscope by Susan Miller
Gemini Horoscope for January 2010

By Susan Miller

With a lunar eclipse in Cancer on December 31, you are feeling money stress as the month begins. It looks like a source of income is leaving, and was never as stable and as secure as you had assumed. Even if you had a contract, contracts can be broken for a variety of reasons. Eclipses have that kind of power.

This will be the second in a series of eclipses in Cancer, so if you are self-employed, or even if you are not, this may not be the first source to dry up. If you are alarmed at all that the tide seems to be sweeping money out of your life, be calmed by knowing that far better sources are due to come to you to replace those you lose. Later you may be thankful that you weren't tied to those outworn endeavors and woefully inept people who kept you down in the past. A new day is dawning, dear Gemini, for you are in a process of reinvention and reorganization, a trend that will take you through July 2010, but also into 2011.

That is not to say this process will always be painful. That won't be the case at all. Letting go or seeing the end of a long, important project can be hard to do, but the new things that come to fill the space will make you happy and will be very welcome. Endeavors have a life of their own, and when they are over, nothing we do to keep them going will work - eclipses are non-negotiable endings. Everyone, of every sign, goes through this shedding process from time to time. Actually, to be precise, this process of finding new sources of income, for any reason, happens every nine years, for that is the cycle of the eclipses. The last ones in Cancer occurred in 2000 and 2001, and prior to that, 1990 and 1991.

Look to this period as one akin to slacking off old skin to reveal the new healthy skin that lies beneath. You will soar once you are free of unfavorable arrangements and the people who have had a detrimental effect on your income, dear Gemini. You don't need them anymore.

Eclipses come in pairs, so this month has two. The next eclipse, this time a new moon solar eclipse, will arrive on January 15. This one will fall in your other financial house, ruling other people's money, and it will open a new path. You may be awarded investment capital, sell a book, get an advance or bonus, or find ways to make money through a new licensing deal. It is also possible you will open talks about the division of property at the end of a business or marriage, hear of an inheritance, or begin talks about a settlement in an insurance dispute. If you lose your job (and I am not saying you will, but if you do) then you should try for generous severance, for it seems to be there for you. Saturn will be in hard angle to Pluto and to your ruler Mercury, so you may feel boxed into a situation that gives you very little wiggle room. Clearly, someone will come on as tough, and because your ruling planet is involved, it's clear you will have to see what is going on with clear eyes and a sober, practical perspective. Still, this is only one part of the picture, not the whole picture.

Fortunately, this eclipse will be perfectly angled to Uranus, the planet of surprise, and that means the surprises you get in the eleventh hour will be ones you love. Actually Uranus will reach out to the Sun, new moon, and Venus - all three! Your ability to write, speak, edit, direct, or communicate in other ways may be pivotal to your success and bring in new sources of income.

All this will bring on a time to make a number of major decisions, and lo and behold, it also seems that someone you'd have never thought to ask for help - someone high level or very experienced - will help you at the moment you need advice and help the most. You may already know this to be true, but if not, you will soon find this person who believes in you so much.

There is another reason for you to be excited. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will move into Pisces and your tenth house of fame and honors for the first time since 1998-early 1999 on January 17. Yes, this month! This is the first time in over a decade that you've had this level of cosmic help! This trend - which we get nearly every 12 years - is considered a year of enormous reward for all the hard work you did in past years. You will get the attention of some very high-level executives, and no matter how long you've tried to reach a certain goal, this will be the year you may attain it.

You won't have to wait long for a breakthrough either. Next month holds the luckiest day of the year, the meeting of the Sun and Jupiter on February 27-28. Because this will be a weekend, you will also have special days - February 25 and 26, the days leading to the meeting of these two awesome heavenly bodies. You must be ready, for you will have an extraordinary opportunity to grasp the big prize - a professional goal so big you may have feared you'd never get it.

You must be ready with all the documents, and if in the arts, a portfolio or reel to show. You have time to get ready! February and March will be your biggest professional months of 2010, and possibly mark one of the biggest turning points in your life.

Romantically, you will want a lot of affection. You often need intellect and lots of talking, but this month you seem to need more holding and touching than talking. You will feel attractive all month, and that will be quite a lure to your partner or to new people who meet you - and things will only get better as the month goes on. Once Venus moves into Aquarius from January 18 to February 10, you'll be at your best.

Romance will shine on January 2, 7, 8, 16, 17, 21, 26, 29, and 30.

The month will end on a very happy note. The full moon, January 30, will fall over the last weekend of the month. It will light your third house, ruling communication - your ability to write, edit, speak, study, do research, or generally communicate well. These talents will become your biggest asset.

This is also a good time to learn something new, or to get tickets to an event that is fun and entertaining. You may get tickets to a seminar or workshop, or go to a comedy club or rock concert. Travel seems also possible, such as to go to a nearby town. If you have a sister or brother, you may hear from your sibling at this full moon January 30, or you may do something fun together. All in all, this is an active, enjoyable time for you, where there will be plenty to do, and plenty of people to see!

This would also be a terrific time to get publicity - you'd do really well! Plan to launch an interview campaign in the media early in the month so that things will take hold at the full moon, January 30, or launch a new website or blog for month's end. You can start an advertising campaign for your goods or services, too.

Your sister or brother may be on your mind this weekend, too. You may do something together, or you may hear some news. Stay tuned.

The full moon January 30 would also be a time for a quick weekend trip to a nearby town to relax and unwind. You will have a chance to go to a far city by hopping a plane next month, so for now, just take a fun weekend away if the option comes up. Choose a nearby city, a place you can drive to or reach by train or car. You seem restless and in need of something new to learn or that you find entertaining.

If your birthday falls on or within five days of May 31, you will have a double dip of fun on this made-for-you weekend of January 30-31.


January will be a transformative month, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and especially financially. Let's take the latter first.

Since mid-2009, you have been involved in a complete financial reorganization and your meditation has been to improve the way you earn, spend, save, and loan money. In the final days of December, near the lunar eclipse December 31, you may have seen a source of income dry up.

Although you may enter the New Year feeling jittery and unsure of which way to go, you will find your path soon after the new moon solar eclipse will occur, January 15. A surprise development in your career may help you find a lucrative source of cash. If you work on commission or other performance-based formula, you will do better yet.

A sum of cash may come through a new assignment, or it may come as a result of an insurance payment, divorce settlement, grant, inheritance, venture capital, or loan. Throughout Saturn will be in hard angle to Pluto, indicating if you owe money to lenders or as taxes, you will have to find a way to pay, for collectors will take a hard line. This is temporary trend, thank goodness, for things won't always be this way. You appear to be re-thinking all your assumptions and habits concerning money management, and no matter where your finances stand, you will come up with an even better plan for the future.

Physical transformation is also possible now. If you need medical or dental surgery, this is a good month to have it done. With Venus, Pluto, the Sun, and Mercury, your ruler, in the eighth house, you would soon be on the way to better health. Schedule your procedure for the first three weeks of January.

Throughout this month you may feel you have come over a bridge to a new place of the mind and heart too, for you will have time to reflect on all that has been going on in your life and to cobble together a new plan. Mercury will be retrograde until January 15, a good time to think about how you'd like to proceed in coming months. Announce your new plan a few days after this date.

As you get closer to January 30, you will have an exceptional opportunity to use skills in writing or speaking to their very best advantage. You may give a lecture, be a guest on radio or TV, or finish an important manuscript. If you are in sales, you may conclude an important deal. You may have to sign papers too, and you can do so at the full moon. Mercury, the planet ruling contracts, will be under hard aspect from Pluto all month, so plan to sign at the full moon January 30 or sometime thereafter. Travel may also be on your agenda, and getting away from your normal base would be very good for your spirit now. If you were born on or within five days of May 31, you will benefit most from the full moon of January 30.

Perhaps the most dramatic event will be the move of Jupiter into your house of career honors and awards on January 17, to stay for a full year. In months ahead, your career will expand impressively and you will get the all the professional rewards you worked so hard to achieve over the past years. Influential, powerful people will go out of their way to help you get ahead, and opportunities that are offered you could be quite thrilling. Jupiter will remain in this house until June 8 and then, after a brief hiatus, will resume its tour of your career house from September 9 to January 22, 2011. Wait and see - this cycle only comes 'round every 12 years, so 2010 should be truly outstanding for career success.

Romantically, you'll feel ultra-attractive and sexy all month, and you'll crave attention and affection. No harm in that if you are involved with someone, but if you are only newly dating, you may come off as a bit too anxious to link up. Resist speeding the relationship forward until you have time to get to know one another in a leisurely way. Whether you are a man or a woman, this month, keeping your new love or steady partner guessing is the way to keep things hot.

Gemini Dates to Note

Money management will consume your thinking in January.

One source of income seems not to have been as stable as you had assumed, a fact you discovered December 31 / January 1, or soon will.

As of the eclipse January 15, you may find a lucrative new source of income, most likely commission-based. Or, you may be awarded investment capital, a line of credit, or mortgage, or receive an inheritance, bonus, or other cash sum. Insurance payouts, divorce settlements, court cases, financial aid, severance, inheritance, mortgage, and lines of credit can be discussed, and a breakthrough realized in the second half of January.

Mercury will be retrograde until January 15. Sign no contracts prior to this date and announce no decisions or agreements until the second half, too.

If you need medical or dental surgery or a special procedure, you will make plans for it in the second half of January or in February.

You will finish a major speaking event, or a writing, editing, marketing, or PR project on the full moon January 30, or you may attend a lecture over this weekend.

Travel is indicated over the weekend of January 30, too.

Romance will shine on January 2, 7, 8, 16, 17, 21, 26, 29, and 30.

Jupiter enters your career sector for a full year, beginning January 17. Get set to rocket sky high in your career n 2010. After this year is over, everyone in your industry will know your name. A dazzling year is to come.

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