
Jonathan 每月心灵占星 12月

11 9466
Aries, Saturday, 28 November 2009

Your Month Ahead: Maybe it is not possible to give yourself some time off. Maybe there is a promise to honour, a commitment you can't get out of or a situation you cannot avoid. Even if so, you can at least let yourself off the psychological hook. Resolve to pass the next few weeks without fretting or letting some cause for concern get the better of you. Keep things even and steady. Do what you have to do, but don't do what you don't have to; namely worry or get upset. In stepping back from a concern that preoccupies you, the only thing you are likely to lose is an unhelpful frame of mind. Little is as problematic as it may seem now.

白羊座 by 安

因为某个必须履行的承诺,或某个非你不可的任务,又或者是一个让你脱不开身的情景——这个月你将会非常非常的忙~~ 即使如此,最起码你可以从心理上不要把自己绑得那么紧。
发表于 2009-11-30 19:14:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

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Pisces, Saturday, 28 November 2009

Your Month Ahead: At school, they teach us all to read, to write, to add numbers together and to behave ourselves. They give no classes in how to develop intuition - or how to build deeper, more meaningful relationships with our fellow humans - or even how to relax and enjoy life without feeling constantly pressured. No wonder our world is in such a state. We are all urged to value achievement more than empathy and money more than love. Yet life now offers you a real chance to unlearn all that. You can take your highest ideals and pursue them with pride and confidence. Here comes a wonderful chance to fill your life with more love.

双鱼 by 幸运的小叶

发表于 2009-11-30 19:15:23 | 只看该作者

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Aquarius, Saturday, 28 November 2009

Your Month Ahead: Why would you look for a logical explanation to a mystery now? This is Planet Earth at the peak of an era that some call 'the darkest age in all of history'. You seek common sense? What planet do you think we are on? There may yet come a day when things in this crazy world begin to make proper sense once more. We may even be starting to see small glimmers of light in the darkness. But meanwhile, if you seek wisdom, compassion, sensitivity, hope, optimism and inspiration, you'll have to generate it yourself through faith. And the good news is, your astrological outlook now puts you in a perfect position to do this.

水瓶: BY Joyce

為什么你現在給神秘事物尋找邏輯的解釋? 现在是地球處于"歷史最為黑暗"的時代的頂峰. 你尋找理性? 你認為我們處于什么樣子的星球? 也許會有一天這個瘋狂的世界能夠開始重新變得有道理起來. 我們甚至可能在黑暗中看到一點小小的光明. 但是同時, 如果你尋找智慧, 同情, 敏銳, 希望, 樂觀和激情, 你可能需要自己用你的信念來創造. 好消息是, 你的星座正預示著你處于做這件事情的最好位置.
发表于 2009-11-30 19:15:15 | 只看该作者

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Capricorn, Saturday, 28 November 2009

Your Month Ahead: Bridges are wonderful things. They connect two separate entities and become a place in themselves. There now needs to be a bridge between two parts of your world. Or two people. Or two very different organisations. The two places can't 'merge their identities'. But it will be good to let a flow of traffic travel in both directions. Be glad of what's starting to change and evolve. Neither worry nor fantasise fearfully about the future. Your situation is somewhat complicated, but it is also very encouraging. No matter how far apart two points of view may seem over the coming few weeks, you can bring them closer together.

摩羯座 by 安

发表于 2009-11-30 19:15:07 | 只看该作者

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Sagittarius, Saturday, 28 November 2009

Your Month Ahead: You always know on which side your bread is buttered. You also know that bread, when dropped, usually lands butter side down. Thus, though you are always willing to experiment, you like to do so carefully. Your caution may be working against you now. In an attempt to preserve an existing supply of butter, you are ignoring your potential access to a veritable dairy. Even if you somehow 'fail' with the venture that you are now so nervously contemplating, you will ultimately gain something significant. Whereas, if you play things too safe, you may overlook an opportunity that is crying out to be explored and exploited.

射手 BY 静

发表于 2009-11-30 19:15:01 | 只看该作者

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Scorpio, Saturday, 28 November 2009

Your Month Ahead: Why set a trap if you are going to surround it with neon signs? Imagine playing a constant recording of a siren, punctuated by a loud voice: 'Warning! This is a trap.' Unless, of course, you are trying to catch a rebellious person with insatiable curiosity. Then, the more posters you put up saying, 'Please Keep Away', the more you may succeed. Is someone setting a trap for you now? Are you setting a trap for someone else? Even if there are mischievous agendas at work, you'll be safe as long as you refrain from indulging a worry, an anger or an anxiety and operate only from the highest possible motives.

天蝎座 by 安

发表于 2009-11-30 19:14:54 | 只看该作者

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Libra, Saturday, 28 November 2009

Your Month Ahead: Sir Christopher Wren attracted much criticism for his design of St Paul's Cathedral. Much more recently, controversy raged about the design for Sydney Opera House. And when the Empire State Building first opened, nobody wanted to rent any office space in it. You've got misgivings now about a plan or a policy. Other people too, clearly have their doubts. That doesn't mean, though, that it is wrong. You are re-evaluating you relationship to something... or someone. That's a natural part of the process of becoming wiser. Now, just wait till you have fully re evaluated everything before you actually change anything.

天平座 9.28.2009 by Takarai榕

Christopher Wren先生因设计ST PAUL教堂而受到很多批评。就在最近,悉尼歌剧院的设计又引来激烈的争论。当帝国大厦第一天开门的时候,没人想在这里租工作室。你现在因为一个计划或者政策而觉得疑虑。别人也有他们的疑问。但并不意味着这就是错的。你会重新评估你对某件事或者某个人的关系。这是成为一个智者的必要过程。现在,在你改变事情之前,敬请等待,直到你重新评估每一件事。
发表于 2009-11-30 19:14:47 | 只看该作者

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Virgo, Saturday, 28 November 2009

Your Month Ahead: People misunderstand each other more often than they realise. Some cynics even argue that, when two individuals believe themselves to be in complete agreement, it is probably because neither fully 'gets' what the other is envisaging! An uneasy peace has recently come to a sensitive area of your life. Might this give way to conflict at any moment? Not necessarily. Understanding and agreement can be reached, despite the opinions of the pessimists. Give more faith and more time to a process of co-operation and communication over the coming weeks and you will yet manage to work a minor miracle.

处女 by jamiejamie

人与人之间的误解是生活的常态。 有些愤青甚至会说:当两个独立的个人认为他们已经达成完全的一致,那想必是因为彼此都没有理解对方的真实想法。最近敏感的你发现生活面临一种让人不安的平静,也许这会导致时不时的争论和冲突。其实没必要。只要不是太悲观论,理解和一致总是会达成的。多放一些时间和信心在合作和沟通上面。未来几周你将会创造一个小小的奇迹。
发表于 2009-11-30 19:14:41 | 只看该作者

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Leo, Saturday, 28 November 2009

Your Month Ahead: On your journey down the pathway of life, you have now reached a section of road where key routes meet. You need to slow down and pay careful attention to the signposts. 'Possible roads' are confusingly veering off to the left and to the right, all over the place. The options are baffling yet you can instinctively feel that there will be big ramifications to whatever choice you make. You need discrimination now, every bit as much as you need determination. Don't allow anyone or anything to pressure you into making a hasty choice. Don't jump to conclusions. Look for true inspiration. Then, all you need will come.

狮子 by Esta.

让自己的脚步慢下来, 用心去思考,去观察那些路牌,(如此之准,确实在面临一个巨大的交叉口~~),在众多的选项面前必须保持高度的分辨力,不要让压力和他人影响了你,以免仓促的决定,因为一旦做出决定,会带来的将会是一个很大的转折,等待来自心底的真正启示吧,你会得到你想要的~~~
发表于 2009-11-30 19:14:34 | 只看该作者

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Cancer, Saturday, 28 November 2009

Your Month Ahead: Somewhere in the back of your mind, a stern disciplinarian is watching your every move. This forbidding figure speaks in the voice of your deepest doubt, your greatest fear or your own propensity to criticise yourself. If another human being were to be as harsh or judgemental, you'd be outraged. And rightly so. How dare they give you such a hard time? Well... how dare you be so mean to yourself? Aren't you entitled to feel more faith, more hope and more enthusiasm about your own future? Of course you are. The odd thing is, as soon as you overcome a dark doubt, the next few weeks will fill with real light and joy.

巨蟹by Vancant

发表于 2009-11-30 19:14:28 | 只看该作者

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