
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller处女座2010年1月运势

3 9792
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Your January Horoscope by Susan Miller

Virgo Horoscope for January 2010

By Susan Miller

As a Virgo you find enormous satisfaction in your work, but the truth is that you've been under enormous strain lately. You would be wise to push back from your desk for a little rest, fun, and relaxation. Mercury, your ruler, will still be retrograde as January begins, a holdover from December 26, and will remain in weakened state until January 16. You won't miss out on any vital professional opportunities if you take your eyes off the road for a while during the first half of January. With Pluto, Venus, the Sun, and Mercury filling your fifth house of true love, you probably won't be much in the mood for work anyway. Good! It's time to kick up your heels and even take a vacation if you feel you are due one.

There are other reasons you won't be as focused on work. As the New Year dawns, the lunar eclipse in Cancer, at 10 degrees, will arrive on January 1. It will arrive one day earlier in the United States and Europe, but will happen on New Year's Day in Asia and Australia. The difference of a few hours is not really of major significance, as an eclipse has an area of influence of six months or more.

This eclipse will likely focus you on a female friend who appears to be leaving your immediate environment. The reasons are not clear - she may be moving far away to a new home or getting married (and therefore won't have as much in common with you).

In a more extreme case, you may have an argument with your friend. I hope it's not the latter, but with an emotional eclipse in Cancer, this is possible. If you do have an argument with a friend, money seems to be an issue. If you do owe her money, hopefully you will find a way to pay her back quickly, or at the very least, offer a payment plan to show that you take the loan seriously.

One other way this may work out is that your friend may be hit with a crisis and need your urgent help. In this case you will want to respond as quickly as you can.

Your eleventh house of friends and social groups / communities is being accented, so it's possible that an online community or situation, say, on Facebook or other social network, could cause concern. This is a full moon eclipse, so chances are, you'll be feeling a bit emotional.

Eclipses usually reveal information by bringing in elements from the outside that suddenly intrudes on your world in a random way. They reveal truths in a way that make us pay attention, and the result is that we understand the situation in an entirely new way.

You may want to read the discussion I wrote last month about the December 31 eclipse. We always leave the last month's forecast up for you to re-read after the month is over. Just search for "Previous Month's Forecast" below the summary but before my PS to you where I list events. Once there, go to the bottom of my December report to you to the part about the December 31 eclipse, which, as said, may arrive on January 1 in certain parts of the world.

If you were born near September 3 plus or minus five days, you will feel this eclipse.

The following eclipse, January 15, should be more your cup of tea. New moon solar eclipses are usually happy or upbeat in the news they bring. This eclipse will bring you enormous luck in matters of the heart. You may be completely taken by someone new, or if attached, find ways to enjoy your partner in ways that allow you to grow closer. If your relationship has been tense, this eclipse may go a long way to help you repair your relationship, because it truly is all about having fun and feeling more playful.

Romance will be best January 8, 9, 15-19, 22-24, and 27-28. I particularly love January 23-24 for you. Having said that, I have to add, honestly, that all the days that follow January 15 should be fairly spectacular.

Sometimes eclipses require some sort of adjustment to a sudden shift. For example, you may meet someone new that completely captivates you - just after you break off with someone else. This kind of weird set of fast-moving events often happens at eclipse time, for events seem compressed rapidly into small time spaces. Events move forward fast! Our entire concept of time changes at an eclipse - that's one of its hallmarks.

You need to take your time in making decisions, though, because a great deal of cosmic dust will be kicked up during eclipse time and it will be hard to see the road ahead. Your judgment could be a little off. Mercury will be retrograde for a good part of the month too (until January 16), adding to the aura of confusion.

If you have been completely strung out by a long-term relationship that has gone from bad to worse, you will find the courage to leave, once and for all. Eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn, the family of signs that the eclipses are falling in now, will keep coming by in future months and help you decide what to do. Two more eclipses in these signs are due in late June and in July 2010, and next year, 2011, in January and July.

These eclipses have the power to help you completely rejuvenate your love life, but if you don't have the strength to leave a bad relationship, the eclipses might just do it for you. Having the universe play a strong hand in your life not always ideal - you should do your best to stay in control. If you must leave, then gather up your courage and do so.

If you are attached and hope for a baby, this eclipse could easily bring news of conception. With Venus, the Sun, new moon, Pluto, and Mercury all in the house ruling not only love but pregnancy and birth too, the stork may be heading to your house soon. If you are not ready for a baby, then take precautions, for the eclipses think this is a good idea and will pave the way to make this more likely.

This particular eclipse, January 15, will send a shimmering beam to Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, and because Uranus will be so very friendly, you should really enjoy the social and romantic events that come up. If single, this is really good news, for you could have that wonderful, fateful meeting you've long dreamed about having. With other planets so supportive of the eclipses, you really do have a terrific outlook.

If you were born on or within five days of September 17, you will hit the jackpot on this eclipse, for love and happiness will be very evident. Mathematically, you are in line for a much better time ahead, and that's a wonderful blessing. Do you remember how challenging things were near your birthday last September? Often when the universe sends difficult challenges, like it did to those born within days of September 17, it will make a positive correction of equal proportion. That seems to be happening now, or will in the weeks to come. (Remember, an eclipse, particularly a solar eclipse, will always open up a new door.)

No matter when your birthday happens to fall in Virgo, you will have reason to celebrate. Here's why.

On January 17, another powerful long-term change will occur in your chart, for that day will mark the arrival of Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, to Pisces and your seventh house of marriage and partnership.

This is remarkable, because at some point from September 2007 to October 2009 you likely had a very difficult time with a partner. This person probably let you down in a big way, so you may have undergone what only can be called a long and very tough learning experience. The cycle of Saturn, the planet that caused your difficulties, is 29 years. While Saturn will be back to this hard place in your chart, opposing your Sun, from April 7 to July 21, 2010, you have reason to cheer. After July 21, 2010, you will be done with Saturn until 2036. Plus, on top of this, from now on you will have Jupiter's protection to mitigate the harshness of Saturn, even during those April to July months.

Whether the person who caused you woe was a business or personal partner is immaterial. That chapter is now nearly over. With Jupiter entering this very same part of your chart on January 17, to stay the better part of a year, you have quite the opposite outlook, one much more upbeat, with real help and benefits stemming from a partner. How wonderful is this! I am not sure if this person is the same partner you had and with whom you reconciled, or someone new.

To be fair, there is one other manifestation of Saturn in the seventh house, the aspect you had from September 2007 to October 2009. Your partner might have suffered through a very difficult transition period and needed your help and a number of hard sacrifices. No matter, the outlook is the same - all will change.

Simply stated, your biggest benefits will come through a marriage partner or through an intermediary in 2010, whether that is a business partner, agent, manager, broker, headhunter, or other middleman. You will begin to see Jupiter spin his magic next month - February - when he begins to meet with other planets on your behalf. You will see quite obviously how much better things will soon become!

Mars is still moving in your twelfth house of behind-the-scenes, confidential meetings, a place Mars will stay until June 7. This may suggest you are working on a project that requires a lot of study or concentration, most likely done alone, not with others. If so, you will get a great deal done on this assignment.

There is a problem with Mars being in such a confidential place in the chart, and this glitch intensifies when so many planets are stacking up in your love sector. There is a propensity for clandestine meetings and a relationship that may not be good for you.

To counter this, make sure the person you develop feelings for is truly available, or you will use your brilliant aspects in a sad way, for it is unlikely it will ever lead you to a happy conclusion. Mars, the planet of action, is retrograde, a weak orbit, so when it comes to love, your actions may become misdirected. Use your rare and glittering aspects in the best possible way, dear Virgo, not in a way that could end in disappointment. The choice will always be yours.

The full moon this month, January 30, will actually fall in this same part of your chart I discussed earlier, the twelfth house. At that time, you may discover a confidence that someone has tried to cover up, or you may have a secret that comes out in the open at this time. Full moons bring disclosure, often when we least expect it to happen.

Protect your health at this time, as you may become run down. As you get closer to January 30, if you feel weirdly tired in a way you can't explain, it may be that your body is trying to fight off a cold. Give yourself added rest.

It's alternatively possible that you may be called on to help a friend or relative with a medical emergency and that may explain why I see health-related topics on your mind at month's end.

Before I go, there is one last thing - some good news about your career if you work in a creative role. If you are paid for your ideas; are a designer, writer, poet, painter, photographer, cinematographer, actor, musician or any other artist; or if you support creative people, you will be in luck this month! The eclipse of January 15 will have you bursting with ideas, and you'll be anxious to work on them. With Venus, the Sun, new moon, Pluto, and Mercury brilliantly lighting your house of happiness and creativity, you could not wish for a better time to roll up your sleeves and start sketching out your ideas.

With Mercury retrograde, you may need to adjust and respond to client demands without warning too, so you need to be ready for that kind of development. You also may be concerned about the costs involved with your project, but you have a flexible, resourceful nature that will help you find ways around financial concerns. All in all, this is such a good time to initiate a major new creative project. You could not wish for better aspects.


You have spent lots of time developing your career, but in January you'll want to turn away from assignments to indulge in life's pleasures. On December 31 or January 1, the first of two eclipses arrived, and both will work to boost your social life. The second eclipse will occur on January 15. The first will work hard to bring you in contact with friends and possibly even communities of people, for many purposes. You may be interested in making more friends, finding love, or helping a charity. Or you may want to update yourself on changes in your industry, for example by attending trade shows or conferences. No matter what your aim happens to be, that first eclipse will light the way.

You may have a friend who needs you January 1 and in the days that follow - keep your schedule open and flexible. I will say that this eclipse could bring an end to a friendship, and I feel sorry to have to suggest this. Overall, I see you adding friends to your life, but one person may either be in crisis or troublesome, and that person may be the focus of all your attention as the year begins.

Things will improve enormously as the month goes on, especially near the highly romantic solar eclipse that arrives on January 15. With a crowd of planets nestling into your house of new love, you will certainly meet with many new people, one of whom may capture your imagination in a way few have ever done. A solar eclipse has the power to start a vital new chapter in your life, so you have every reason to be excited by emerging possibilities in your love life. With Venus moving through Capricorn from January 1 to 18, you truly have an ideal situation!

If you are married, you may decide to plan a large goal with your partner. You may decide to welcome a new baby, start a business together, or decide to buy a house. A baby would be an especially good idea, as the fifth house rules pregnancy and birth, and will be beautifully lit by loving planets this month.

At the end of the month, at the full moon January 30, you will crave privacy and rest. You may need to hunker down and finish a research, writing, or artistic project that requires a great deal of concentration. If so, put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door. If you have resolved to give up a destructive habit in your New Year, this would be the time to begin in earnest. You need not do so alone - you are surrounded with people who want to help you.

Virgo Dates to Note

A friend may need your help and full attention at the full moon lunar eclipse, January 1, or you may have a roaring argument with a friend. If she means something to you (and it appears to be a "she") then be careful what you say.

If single, the new moon solar eclipse of January 15 could bring new love your way. Often an eclipse will ask you to give up old love to make way for new.

Mercury is retrograde until January 15 - buy nothing and agree to nothing verbally or in writing prior to this date

You seem to have had more than normal interaction with medical personnel or have been around a friend or relative in the hospital. By the full moon January 30, you may see your own health or that of someone dear to you begin to turn a corner. While you will continue to be near doctors and other practitioners until early June, this could be a point for good news.

Many Virgos are master communicators. You may be involved with a writing or research project that requires a great deal of concentration. With Mercury retrograde January 1-16, you may have to go over work you've done to make it even better. Phase One seems to be ending at month's end, but there'll be more to do until the end of May or early June.

Romance will be best January 8, 9, 15-19, 22-24, and 27-28.

You can make much progress discussing an issue with a lover January 23-24 when Saturn, the ruler of your house of true love, sends a golden beam to the Sun.
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