
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller摩羯座2010年1月运势

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Capricorn Horoscope for January 2010

By Susan Miller

This could prove to be a turning point month when much will be revealed and a new life chapter will start to shape up before your eyes. Two eclipses are due this month, the first, in your opposite sign of Cancer, putting the emphasis on a close partner of yours. The second one will be a new moon solar eclipse, and will appear in Capricorn, underscoring your own needs and dreams for the future.

That second eclipse of January 15 will be a wonderful blessing and will give you energy and a new sense of purpose. You will be of clear mind and spirit and will likely be elated by the unexpected opportunities that come up. Let's have a closer look at all that is due this month, for clearly, you will be in the center of all that happens.

On December 31 or January 1, depending on your geographic location, the full moon lunar eclipse will occur in your opposite sign of Cancer, highlighting one key partnership or marital matter. A while back you may not have known you'd ever have to decide the matter that will come up for decision now, but eclipses often bring surprise news or else they speed up timetables in a way that forces us to make decisions much sooner than we ever thought possible.

The results of this first lunar eclipse will depend on how your relationship had been proceeding until now. However, having said that, you may not be aware of all that has been going on, perhaps in secret. Eclipses will always reveal hidden truths.

Sometimes they reveal joyous, positive feelings that had been hidden deep within the heart of your partner. In that case, some Capricorns will get engaged or married for New Year's. Or, if you planned to marry eventually, something may happen that causes you to speed up that timetable dramatically.

Here's an example. Let's say you planned to marry in two years after you've saved for a house, but on the eclipse your partner is transferred to a distant foreign city - you'll want to go together and marry now!

The moon also rules your domestic condition, so you may move or see a change within your family. For example, you may welcome a new baby or see someone leave your household, say, if an older child goes off to college or when a roommate moves out to get married.

Although it's hard for me to say this, I will admit that some Capricorns will break up or file for divorce as a result of the lunar eclipse December 31-January 1.

Although the two possible outcomes that I have described (marry or split) are quite opposite, they are united in one important way. Your alliance will be clarified and that will allow you to move forward in a productive way.

If your birthday falls on December 31, or within five days of this date, you will feel this eclipse most directly. If you were not born near this date, you may not notice the effects of this eclipse very much at all.

Eclipses usually illuminate their messages with a fairly casual comment or random event that comes in from the outside world. This news usually reveals quite a bit about the situation. Afterward, you will feel changed by what you learn. In that way, eclipses bring on a kind of rite of passage that brings us to a whole new place and that provides us with a brand new perspective. They require decisiveness, however - there never is a chance to go back to change things to the way they were before.

When you walk over the bridge, once you are safely on the other side, the bridge will collapse or disappear in some way - there will be no route back to where you started. If you break up, don't try to come together again after an eclipse - it never works. Eclipses are non-negotiable events. Protect your dignity and move forward. If you don't feel comfortable with life as you find it in the months ahead, you can make more changes as you move forward later, but you won't be able to go back again.

The matter may not be fully crystallized by January 1, but it appears that you do have a plan. Saturn will begin to go retrograde on January 13 until May 30, so talks or plans may proceed slowly. I love January however, in that many planets - Venus, Mercury, Pluto, the new moon, and Sun - will be in your sign, Capricorn, and all of them will fiercely protect your interests. This is a good month for you, dear Capricorn, especially from January 16 on.

The second eclipse will be quite thrilling. It'll be the official start of the movie that is all about you, and where you will have the staring role. A new moon solar eclipse in one's own sign always marks a big turn of events for the better, but especially so if your birthday falls within five days of the date the solar eclipse arrives, January 15.

Sometimes, however, an important man in your life leaves your immediate surroundings forever as a result of a solar eclipse. I say a man because "solar" or "Sun" is usually male in astrology. In that respect, you have to remain flexible, but it could be a boss you never liked who is leaving, or a deadbeat lover who never treated you well.

Overall, the January 15 eclipse will be a wonderful development and help you set your life on much more stable ground. Uranus, the planet of surprise that is known to strike like lightning, will send a perfect beam to this eclipse, so the developments that come up should make you very happy and will leave you speechless. Watch what happens in the days that follow January 15.

Mercury will be retrograde in Capricorn as the month begins, so after the January 1 lunar eclipse delivers its news, spend the rest of the first half of January working on your blueprints and perfecting your plans. Take time to assess all your assumptions, for you may find something's off.

When you are ready, but not before January 18, press forward. If you act on or after that date, you will have the powerful solar eclipse behind you to help you get the results you're after.

If you have no romantic partner (nor any business partner either, for as said this could affect your business partnership), then you may not feel the December 31-January 1 lunar eclipse very much at all. You may meet someone new after the second eclipse though, after January 15, and that's an exciting possibility. It would be the perfect time to meet someone intriguing too, for that eclipse will open a whole new path for you.

Venus will be in Capricorn from January 1 to 18, making your charms very visible at just the right time, birthday month! If you want to take any major steps to improve your looks, I would suggest you schedule salon and barbershop visits for on or after January 17. By that I mean radical changes - little grooming treatments and hair trims can be done at any time.

In terms of your most romantic dates, if you are single and unattached, or attached and in a good strong relationship, these dates will be your best for love: January 6, 7, 9, 12-15, 18-19, and 22-24.

Now and in coming months, protect your health. Sometimes when eclipses come by in one's own sign, as is the case for you this year, a health matter will arise that needs attention. The universe does this to help and protect you, dear Capricorn. If you feel that something is not quite right with a part of your body, make a doctor's appointment, and don't wait for it to go away by itself. All medical concerns are best treated immediately.

The fact that you may be noticing something near an eclipse is significant, so don't wave it off and assume it will clear up without your intervention. You have beautiful support this year from Jupiter, a planet not only known for good fortune, but for its healing properties, too. Jupiter will form what is called a "sextile" to your Sun this year, considered an aspect denoting opportunity. You need to take action to unlock Jupiter's goodness, so if you need medical advice (or even a second opinion, also favored), don't delay!

Now let's turn to your finances.

Money has been going through your fingers ever since Mars entered Leo in mid-October, for your expenses have been high. Now that Mars went retrograde on December 20, they may have temporarily slowed down, but with Mars due to go direct on March 10, to stay in your house of credit until June 7, you will need to keep an eye on the outgo.

Last year - 2009 - you seem to have made a good income, but now that Jupiter, the great benefic, is about to leave your earned income sector, earning as much or more may become more challenging. This may be true for a number of reasons, ranging from the recession to your lack of desire to prove you can make a lot. You may feel that you've "been there, done that" and will be more interested in finding satisfaction in other areas of life.

Looking at your chart, it appears that your money has been going into your home or other property. You may be buying a home, or fixing one up. It is also possible that you are writing checks to help a family member, perhaps an elderly parent.

This month, on the full moon, January 30, you will crystallize some sort of financial settlement. This full moon will be aligned with Mars, so it will require some sort of decisive action.

Travel will also become a lovely diversion from now on, for Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will move into your third house of short distance and learning. You will be on the road quite a bit in 2010 for any number of reasons, ranging from having a love relationship in a nearby town to having to work to see a good client based in a town a short drive away.

Your sister or brother may help you in some way from now on, and you may even go into business or buy real estate together. This year, that would be a good idea to investigate.

You and I will talk more about this exciting news in my next report, for Jupiter will remain in this area of your chart and help you in completely new ways in 2010. See you next month!


Every once in a while the universe is in perfect sync with our goals, and things begin to slip into place almost effortlessly. Obviously, this will be your outlook once you get to the solar eclipse, January 15 and the days and weeks to come. No matter what has been going on in your life, you are about to get powerful help now. Some of the breakthroughs you experience will come out of the blue, quite unexpectedly. Keep your calendar open in the second half of January because that's when you need to roll, and you'll have to respond quickly to offers and events as they occur. If your birthday falls within five days of January 15, this month could mark a major turning point. All Capricorns, however, will have some very special news to enjoy.

If you could only see the planetary pattern in the sky in mid-January! Venus, Pluto, Mercury, the Sun, and new moon will all be in your sign. You now find yourself in a transition period, moving from one way of life to a new one. This happens whenever the eclipses travel back to Capricorn and Cancer, which happens once every nine years.

On January 1 (or December 31, depending on where you live in the world and the time zone you are in), you will experience an important lunar eclipse in Cancer, so you may see a major development in regard to a steady partner at that time. If you were born on or near December 31, that eclipse would have been doubly powerful. The eclipse made that decision time in your relationship, to stay and make more of the relationship or to leave.

Be satisfied with whatever decision you made about your love life. If you are in love, then enjoy your closeness and make plans to solidify your relationship. If you broke up, have faith that better things are on the way. The universe is impatient to get you to a more stable place, and to that end, your life is now in a major transformation for the better. If you are single, having Venus in Capricorn until January 18 will be just what you need to help you get noticed - and later, adored.

Mars is still in a strongly financial house, so it appears you are spending a lot of money these days. Mars will remain retrograde until March 10, so try to hold the line as best you can until March. You will have better support from bankers and other financial types at that time too, so you may want to wait to finalize financial deals at that time.

The full moon on January 30 may become a financial watershed moment when you need to decide to settle a monetary matter or make a key decision about one. It appears a large amount of cash will go out of your checking account then. Fortunately the Sun and Saturn, the latter being your ruling planet, will be beautifully oriented to one another, suggesting that you may be buying or leasing a house or apartment, making repairs, renovating, or acquiring furniture in an effort to stabilize your living situation. This could account for the large outgo.

Travel to nearby cities will soon emerge as a major theme, thanks to the arrival of Jupiter to Pisces on January 17 for months to come. If you work in sales, your best clients will be out of town, within 100 to 300 miles from where you live.

In the coming year you will learn to communicate effectively in a new way - you may redo your website, create a blog, get your own radio or TV show, or be asked to write a book or column. It's an exciting trend, and one you'll love!

Capricorn Dates to Note

December 31 or January 1 (depending on your time zone) will bring the emotional eclipse in Cancer. It could be a very trying day, for something will end.

January 15 brings a solar eclipse in Capricorn, your time to state new plans and to make surprising announcements. You will have quite a bit of control on these dates.

Venus in Capricorn January 1- 18 will help you find soothing words, if you need them. This will be a perfect time to see about adding a special touch to your appearance.

Your ruling planet will retrograde beginning January 13 until June 12. From then on, spend time on the projects you have already started, rather than initiate new ones.

Mercury will stop retrograding January 15. Do not sign any papers prior to that date.

Money owed to others or that you anticipate collecting will be your whole focus at the full moon January 30, plus or minus four days.

Depending on what happens with the eclipses, romance may be very special or dreadful, and of course, that depends on what's been happening over a very long period of time.

If love has been good, then these dates will be your best for love: January 6, 7, 9, 12-15, 18-19, and 22-24.
发表于 2009-12-31 16:21:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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1月15日日环食将为小竭竭们带美好的祝福之吻,它将给你指明前行的目标方向.并为你准备充足的干粮让你精神饱满的走上奋进之路,踏实的魔竭终于有机会等到机会女神的垂青,SO HAPPY,RIGHT?不急,让我们慢慢体会并细细咀嚼这次跨年后宇宙的丰赏.







发表于 2009-12-31 16:22:18 | 只看该作者

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