
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller水瓶座2010年1月运势

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我十岁的时候,我母亲曾经告诉我说,第十二宫是”自我毁灭“的一宫。直到几个月后我才明白这句话的真正含义—这一切发生的很突然,我问母亲:”妈妈,你说过第十二宫意味着我们自己会伤害自己,但是没有人会故意这么做的!“我记得母亲摇摇头,笑着说:”Susie,其实我们每时每刻都在伤害自己,只是多数时候我们不自知罢了。我们应该更清楚地明白我们到底在做什么。” 她的话给我留下了很深的印象,虽然那个时候我十分质疑这个观点正确与否。随着我年龄渐长,我开始明白她是对的,第十二宫是人类行为中始终不可触摸和名状的一个区域,非常值得我们花更多的时间去研究它。







发表于 2009-12-31 16:28:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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Aquarius Horoscope for January 2010

By Susan Miller

With Pluto, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun in your twelfth house of privacy - later to be joined by the new moon solar eclipse on January 15 - you seem to be in an unusually reflective mode. Perhaps the holidays have taken a toll on you, and you'd be content to take things slowly during the first three weeks of January. That would be a good idea, dear Aquarius.

The twelfth house is considered a highly creative place in the chart, and when lots of energy is circulating in this area, as you will have, it is a perfect time to see productivity and brilliance from work done in solitude. If you have a project dear to your heart, take the time to devote yourself to it in the first three weeks January.

By January 19, the Sun will return to your constellation of Aquarius - beginning birthday time for you - and you'll be very busy again, with many offers for meetings and lots of invitations from friends to get together. The best part is, February is due to be one of your favorite months of the year, and you'll want to be rested as you enter it.

For now, take it easy. The twelfth house, so activated for you now, is not only associated with privacy and creativity, but also with the subconscious mind, dreams, and habits. Now, with Pluto moving though this house for a long stay - until 2024 - you will have a superb opportunity to cast off bad practices and institute ones that will help rather than hinder. Pluto is the planet of transformation and rebirth, symbolized by the phoenix rising from the ashes. Rarely have you had an opportunity as golden as this to turn over a new leaf.

When I was about ten, my mother used to talk about the twelfth house as "the house of self-undoing." I didn't quite understand what she meant until months later. All of a sudden it gonged in my head and I went to her to ask, "Mama, are you saying that the twelfth house shows what we do to ourselves that hurts us? No one would deliberately do that!" I remember my mother shaking her head, and laughing saying, "We do things to undermine ourselves all the time, Susie. We just don't always know we are doing it. We need to be more aware of what we do!" Her words made a big impression on me, although at the time I was still doubtful that my mother was right. As I got older I realized she was right and that this unconscious area of human behavior was indeed a mysterious side and would be worth spending more time thinking about.

I am remembering her words as I look at your chart for the month, dear Aquarius. Some of the difficulties we experience in life are self-generated, but with conscious effort, some of those things we do to hurt ourselves can be stopped. You may have a small habit that annoys you or a big one that is ruining your health, your relationship, or your future. It doesn't matter - there are experts who can help and you don't have to tackle this problem alone. I think it helps if the person you choose to work with you has a good sense of humor. (Doesn't that always help? Planets stacking in Capricorn indicate humor will help!) With so many supportive planets in January, the universe will now give you the perfect opportunity to make your initiation toward a healthier lifestyle. For best luck, begin just after the major solar eclipse January 15.

I love this January 15 eclipse for another reason - the Sun and moon will receive a very positive, beautiful beam from Uranus. Uranus is the planet of surprise, chaos, and randomness, and also the planet of creativity and innovation. It is your ruling planet, dear Aquarius. With a dynamic, idiosyncratic ruler like Uranus, it explains why you are known to be such an innovative sign. This month, with Uranus being so helpful, you may now hit on an untried, new, or unusual method that will work for you when all others have not. Try, dear Aquarius.

The month holds two eclipses. Until now, I just talked about the solar eclipse January 15 being right for starting on a new path by ending a bad habit. It's also the right time to be working behind closed doors on a creative project that requires a lot of concentration and focus, for if you do, your productivity would be very high. The twelfth house is the house of hospitals and rehab centers, too - technically, places of confinement - so you or someone you love may have interaction with medical personnel, therapists, or others in charge of helping the mind, body, or spirit transform to health. The theme of getting stronger and healthier is certainly very evident this month.

The first eclipse, which I wrote about in your December report, will arrive earlier, as a full moon lunar eclipse on December 31 in the United States, and in certain other countries with different time zones, on January 1. That eclipse will light your sixth house, which also governs your health.

While the January 15 solar eclipse will emphasize your subconscious mind, the December 31 / January 1 eclipse will spotlight your conscious mind and the preventative methods you use consistently to stay healthy. Consistency and routine are key words here - the sixth house is not about one-shot efforts or things that happen once in a while.

The twelfth house rules your mind, while the sixth house rules the physical body, and together - both houses are found opposite each other on the horoscope wheel - they work in tandem to keep you balanced and feeling your best. Should an imbalance occur, you would sense it. We know when we get too little sleep or eat the wrong foods, for example. This month, if you do sense something is off in you, listen to that little voice within you and make a correction. This is your chance! Gosh, with Jupiter, the great healer, in Aquarius until January 17, there is nothing you can't achieve!

You might see changes at the workplace this month. As a result of the December 31 / January 1 full moon eclipse, you may end a big project, or see various personnel changes in your department. A trusted assistant may leave, or your company may announce changes in the organizational hierarchy, giving you a new manager. A client may leave, or a new client may arrive - either would change the nature of your assignments. For some, it is alternatively possible that your company will move to new headquarters, and you may find yourself in a new building with different computer equipment or software to learn.

At home, at the start of the month, if you have a pet, keep an eye on your little dear animal. Your little furry creature may not be feeling his best this month and require a little extra tending. If you feel it's necessary, take him to the veterinarian for a checkup. The sixth house, where this lunar eclipse will fall, also rules small domestic animals, the reason why I say you might want to watch your little creature closely for any signs that you might miss if you were otherwise preoccupied. Also, make sure your little pet can't run outside and get lost - if you live in the country and can put a tracking device on his little collar, all the better.

Now let's turn to romance, which may be a touchy topic this month. Your relationship may not have been going smoothly lately, for Mars, the planet of energy but also inflammation, is still touring your opposite sign of Leo. This indicates that you and your partner may not see eye-to-eye, or else may be examining an old problem that you both never completely resolved. Perhaps you can come up with a better solution now that Mars will be retrograde until March 10, and Mercury will be retrograde until January 18. Any retrograde planet will ask you to look back, but there is special emphasis now on your doing so with a partner. The partner in question may be a romantic partner or business associate, but if the latter, would be someone with whom you work with very closely in a very official, committed way.
发表于 2009-12-31 16:29:07 | 只看该作者

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The full moon January 30 will bring some sort of conclusion to this relationship issue - or show you where you stand in the alliance, and whether you want to nurture it or leave it. The moon will align exactly on Mars, which could be a bit explosive, and at the same time, Saturn will make a hard angle to Pluto, indicating force. You may learn something that has been hidden from you at this time, and that may force you to reconsider things from top to bottom.

Not every Aquarian will feel the effects of this full moon. Those who were born on January 30, or within five days of that date, will feel it most. If your birthday falls in February, you may notice mild effects from this full moon, if any.

There is a wonderful, exciting piece of news I have saved for last and it has to do with the upbeat outlook you have for your finances. Once Jupiter moves into Pisces on January 17, to stay almost an entire year, you will start to see a very strong up tick to your financial situation.

Over the past two years, you've had Saturn limiting your cash flow. In late October, Saturn moved on to a far better place in your chart, a place Saturn can finally support (not torture) you. Moreover, you have the most generous planet in our solar system - Jupiter - about to move into your second house of earned income sector this month, to stay until January 2011. That's a wow of a situation, and one you will start to notice the effects of soon, for sure. The best part? It doesn't matter when your birthday falls. Every Aquarius, of every birthday will feel the glow.

The gains you make in 2010 will be directly tied to the specific efforts you made in 2009 and during the start of 2010, up to January 17, 2010, to better your financial situation. Knowing this, as the month opens, if there is anyone you still want to see to present an idea or to strike up a business plan together, do so soon. Jupiter will still be in Aquarius until January 17, fiercely protecting your interests. Remember - your growth in 2010 will be directly tied to the conversations you had in the year prior to this, up to January 17, while Jupiter was in Aquarius.

Once you get to January 17, 2010, the seeds you planted previously will begin to take root, for after that date Jupiter will begin the second stage of his gestation cycle. If you still want to seed a new idea, meet with an influential person to present an idea prior to January 17.

Jupiter will make a temporary exit from your financial house from June 7 to September 9, but will be back to help you financially again from September 9 to January 22, 2011. This is the first time in twelve years that Jupiter has brought his brilliant light to the financial part of your chart. If you've been worried about money, you have every reason to believe that the remedies you've put into place are about to pay off in a big way in 2010!


Currently your chart shows a rare buildup of energy in your twelfth house, the part of the chart devoted to solitary pursuits, creativity, health, and healing. Last month appears to have been a hectic month for you, but now that January has arrived, you may be craving rest and time for yourself. Treat yourself to some time alone during January's first three weeks. If you are so inclined, beg off social engagements in favor of quality "me" time. There is something magical about walking through a museum alone at your own pace or browsing through a bookshop without having to rush to be somewhere else.

The ancients felt that as you get closer to your birthday, it is wise to take stock of your life and decide on your strategy for your coming birthday year. Develop a plan toward reaching a goal that is dear to you.

In January you may work on an artistic project that will require you to work without distraction, or it may be that you simply will feel you need rest. You may want quiet time go to the gym, while you listen to your iPod, run, or lift weights. There are many ways to relax, but working on a fitness project would be ideal because of the strong emphasis on health this month in your chart.

After the solar eclipse January 15, which will emphasize this trend for rest / privacy / fitness / health even more, you will have an exceptional opportunity to cleanse, rebalance, and heal your mind, body, and spirit.

Medical and dental checkups, therapy sessions, and surgical procedures may all be successfully addressed in January's second half. Alternatively, you may find yourself near someone you care about who needs medical advice. In that case, your help will be invaluable. Keep your schedule open.

On the topic of money, you have suffered through a number of financial tight spots over the past two years, caused, in part, by Saturn in Virgo. Saturn left this position at the very end of October, but will return briefly to Virgo from April through July. For all practical purposes, you're done with the hardest part of Saturn's limiting trend. The financial difficulties of the past won't be repeated. The remedies you have put in place to reverse these difficulties will hold and begin to give you the sense of security you've craved.

Admittedly, you will have to be careful in the spring when Saturn is in Virgo for those 14 weeks (April 7 to July 21, 2010), but any new problems you may encounter will pale in comparison to the ones you coped with in the past. In 2010 Jupiter will allow you to generate substantially more earned income. Say goodbye to those bad old days, dear Aquarius.

In terms of love, with Mars now in your relationship house, you may have noticed you have a slightly harder time getting along with the person closest to you. The flair-ups may have ranged from small and inconsequential to roaring disagreements, complete with slammed doors, broken dishes, and hurtful accusations. Mars has been determined to stir the pot, but only so that you will discuss all the areas of disagreement and decide whether you truly want this relationship to survive.

Certainly, you are getting to know your partner better. This month you may have to return to an old problem that was never quite settled, for Mercury and Mars will be retrograde, with Mercury due to turn direct on January 16, and Mars, March 10. Any retrograde planet will encourage you to re-examine a former situation or stance.

Prepare for a litmus test to your relationship at the full moon in Leo on January 30. A problem may arise that you need to discuss together, but the outcome seems positive. That's because from January 18 on, Venus will be in Aquarius, allowing for greater smoothness to flow in your interaction with your partner. Saturn will be in fine angle to the Sun too, at the time, indicating that you can find a good long-term solution that paves the way for greater closeness if you truly want to be together.

If you have no disagreements, you may now get engaged or married, or make other plans to be together. You may be surprised at that statement - yes, full moons crystallize feelings, so if your feelings are strong and good, you will know that, too.

If you don't have a romantic partner, this full moon may bring a discussion with a business associate, and you can be optimistic about finding accord. If you were born near January 30, you will feel the culminating effect of this full moon very strongly.

Are you single? Venus in Aquarius after January 18 will act like catnip on those you want to charm. Enjoy the fuss, dear Aquarius. Next month will only get better!

Aquarius Dates to Note:

Take care of your health over the eclipse December 31-January 1.

If you have a pet, pay special attention to your little creature over the same dates.

The solar eclipse of January 15 may have you interacting with medical personnel, fitness trainers, nutritionists, or therapists of all types either for yourself or for someone you care about very much.

Once Jupiter enters your financial house, your cash flow should improve: after January 17.

When the Sun moves into Aquarius, you'll feel stronger and more confident, beginning January 19.

Romantically, guard against falling for someone who is simply not available.

Venus will enter Aquarius, your time to shine, from January 18 to February 11.
发表于 2009-12-31 16:29:11 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2010-1-1 12:53:34 | 只看该作者

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