
苏珊·米勒[Susan Miller]12月双子座运势【转载】

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浪漫日: 3-4, 5-7, 12-13, 16 (黄金日), 21, 22, 26, and 27号
付账或者卖东西: 2号附近4天
租或者买房子: 10号
面试新职位: 14号
申请贷款或者协商调价: 16号附近一周
参加聚会: 16 and 20
一个朋友有困难: 19
不要签署文件: 整个月。一直等到1月16
突然的内科牙科治疗: 31, 或者一个亲戚, 女性,也许需要你的帮助
发表于 2009-12-2 09:27:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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Gemini Horoscope for December 2009

By Susan Miller

Once a year we get a full moon in our own sign, and for you, dear Gemini, it's due December 2. Something important to you is now reaching fruition. Matters will clarify, and you may need to make a decisive move about what you find. If any matter has puzzled you, this full moon's light should help you understand in a flash what you must do. Saturn will add its gifts of comforting stability - if you are making a decision, it won't be temporary, but one that keeps you feeling secure for a long time.

Mars will be friendly too, and because Mars is in the communication house, you may need to give a speech to a group, appear on a panel, or send in a written document at the time of this full moon, December 2. This would be the perfect time to do so, and your work would be well received. If you have to take a trip, go quickly - you would not likely go far, but you would have a very positive outcome.

If you were born on May 31 or within five days of this date, you will feel the energy of this full moon the most and benefit from it, too.

Finally, protect your health within four days of this full moon, December 2, as you will be very busy and using a lot of energy. With flu season in full swing, you may want to keep hand sanitizer and bleach wipes handy to keep germs at bay. Of course, a flu shot might be very helpful, too - ask your doctor. If you feel a cold coming on, you must rest up to nip it in the bud.

On another note, you are about to love the new, faster pace of your career. Uranus has been retrograde since July 1, but will go direct on December 1. This will have a massively positive effect on professional matters, and will also add oomph to all international projects and relationships. If you feel an import-export project has stagnated, or lost focus or momentum, you will see a dramatic turnaround and enjoy a faster pace from now on.

Many Gemini are involved in one of the communication arts, for this is where your talents often lie. If you do work in the media, or write, edit, proofread, speak, or do PR, sales or marketing, the turn of Uranus direct will bring you stronger opportunities from now on, whether from print, the Internet, broadcasting, or telecommunications. Watch the days that surround December 1 for clues that things are changing. Watch too the meetings, mail, and talks you have just after the new moon December 16 and the days to follow. (More about that in a moment.)

A close relationship, possibly romantic, might be on your mind this month, too. The Sun has now moved into your seventh house of marriage and serious commitments, and will remain there during most of the month. If you are planning to get engaged, I suggest you make plans early in the month, for Mercury will go retrograde from December 26 to January 16, but will send out confusing static as soon as December 9.

You might want to accept your sweetheart's proposal (or give one) early on and, if you like, announce your exciting plans to friends and family later at holiday time. As long as you accept or give the proposal early in the month, you will be acting at the right time. Later, Mercury will be retrograde and so will Mars, not a good time to begin anything new, especially anything as important as a marriage or business partnership.

If you are serious about formalizing a business partnership, you can get talks underway as long as you do so early in the month. However, do not sign papers until late January at the earliest. Better yet, wait until Mars goes direct in mid-March. With planets so very volatile in December, it will be hard to strategize properly. The wind seems to be changing direction, and if you sign too soon, you will leave yourself unprotected, for you will be unaware of new conditions that will certainly enter the equation.

One problem with the new moon is that the Sun and moon will be in very hard angles to Uranus, planet of unpredictable events. This means one main thing may go wrong in your career or in regard to a project overseas. Keep your antenna up for anything that seems off. Alternatively, you may disagree with an authority figure or client in mid-December. A new moon won't create the kind of emotional atmosphere that a full moon could do, and that is the good news. The not-so-good news is that a new moon is capable of setting up a much longer trend than a full moon would do, so its effects could last for weeks or even months. This is why I am saying to tread carefully. Treat everyone as if they were a little mental - with kid gloves!

You are fortunate in that you will have Jupiter well angled to this new moon, suggesting that a partner, agent, or other middleman may be helpful in coming up with good ideas.

Now let's turn to your home, which will bring opportunity on one day early in December.

If you need to fix up your space, or even find a new one, you will have help on December 10. For example, if you want to adjust the price of your house or change a bid, December 10 would be your day to do it. Be serious about how you go about changing the price or else don't do it at all. As the experts say, you need to make enough of a change to make a difference, say, of 10 percent or more. The market may actually force that number up, but that's a good place to start. With Mars in perfect angle to the Sun, you could easily have something to cheer about later.

Speaking about money, the big news this month will center on the full moon lunar eclipse in Cancer, December 31. This full moon will focus on two areas of your life, money and possibly your health. Most people will experience the former, but since both are showing up as possible outcomes, I will touch on both.

A full moon lunar eclipse may often bring a source of income to an end. This is the normal cycle of life, but it is never easy to take when it happens. Eclipses push us forward whether or not we are ready, a fact you may have discovered earlier this year when the previous two eclipses came by July 7 and 21. You may have lost a source of income over the last six months, and if so, then you may find a new source at this eclipse when talks conclude or a purchase is made and you receive a check.

Saturn will be in hard angle to your eighth house planets, so any kind of financial speculation would not be advised.

If you should lose a source of income, need to borrow money, or find you have to write a check, the coming eclipse January 15 should help you cover the costs. The January eclipse will bring surprises, for sure, but could wind up bringing you a large sum of money, either immediately or in time. Planets are already building a presence in the eighth house, so the whole matter of other people's money - loans, financial aid, insurance money, gifts, inheritance, settlements, and so forth - is already coming up as potentially important.

Your income and financial picture is now in the mid-point of a vast reorganization. The end result, which should be set in approximately eight months - by the last eclipse July 11 - will put you in a more secure place.

A buildup of energy in the eighth house sometimes means surgery may be coming up. With Saturn in hard angle, if it seems medical or dental surgery is due, or any test or procedure, you might as well be practical and just get it done. Anticipation is always harder than realization - later you will wonder why you even gave this procedure a second thought. Often an eclipse will bring up latent problems so that you can take care of them quickly before they get worse. Afterward you will feel so relieved you took care of things in such a grown up way. If you need surgery done, the money seems to be there for you, no matter what the cost, so don't let that stop you.

Alternatively, you may be interacting with doctors on behalf of someone you care about, such as a relative or friend. This eclipse is in Cancer, so family would be more likely - no matter what happens, you seem to be drawn closer to family members, which is always a blessing.

Romantically, Venus in your opposite sign of Sagittarius December 1-25 will be a lovely influence, and doubly so if you are attached. As I wrote earlier, you appear to be thinking in very serious terms about commitment happily ever after. If you have found the right person, you may want to make things official. Mercury retrograde is throwing a spanner into the gears, however, so talking things over early in the month would be the way to go.

If single, you best moments will take place in the first week. Travel will be a possibility, but to places nearby rather than distant, which would be more likely at the end of January or in February. This month you will stay close to home.

New Year's Eve may bring opportunities to drive to a nearby town, but it would be best to stay closer to come. Eclipses bring up all sorts of news, so spend it quietly at home. There will be enough news coming up - you won't need any more stimulation at year's end. Besides, you'll be in a highly romantic, affectionate mood, preferring privacy with your beloved to crowded rooms with many revelers. Plan something private and very sexy - this will suit you more.


The beginning of December will be an important time for you, for the full moon will appear in Gemini on December 2. Your relationship with someone close, personally or professionally, will likely come into focus, and the interaction will be smooth and sweet, thanks to the position of Venus, now in your house of partnerships. If you are getting engaged or married over the weekend of December 4-5, you have chosen the right time to do so - perfect!

A health matter may become very pressing over this same full moon, December 2, plus or minus five days. If you notice that you don't feel quite right, slow down and seek medical help. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, health, and healing, will help you get relief and possibly help you recover.

The new moon on December 16 will have you thinking of merging energies with a partner in business or love. The new moon's proximity to Pluto suggests a business partnership may be on your mind, but with planets so volatile, you'd be best to put off talks until Mars has stronger orbit, after March 10. A client, boss, or other authority figure could become quite demanding after December 16, but don't agree to anything if your intuition tells you to resist. Gemini can talk circles around anyone - this month that talent may help.

If you want to get engaged for Christmas, promise your love to each other in the first week of December, and then share news with friends and family at the holiday.

The year will be punctuated with very big financial news, due to the eclipse in Cancer on December 31. The way you earn your money is rapidly shifting and this full moon may mark the end of one source of earned income. At the same time, new offers will come in, now and in months to come. Also, money from an outside source may come in as one lump sum - such as a payout from an insurance company, money from a legal action or agreement, severance, inheritance, prize winning, scholarship, grant, or divorce settlement - and could be quite generous. This may not show up until January or beyond, but it seems to be destined to find its way to you.

The December 31 eclipses will mark an emotional time, for clearly one door will close. Stay cheerful because, fortunately, Uranus will be beautifully angled to your ruling planet, Mercury, suggesting that whatever comes at the eclipse will benefit you, if not immediately, then within six months.

The large number of planets in the eighth house could also (or alternatively) suggest you may decide to use the quiet time just after December 31 to have a medical or dental procedure done. If so, it would be the right time to do so and all or most of the costs would be covered.

Your family seems to be on your mind over this eclipse too, particularly your mother or a favorite aunt. Your feelings for family will only intensify now and if you are already close, after this eclipse, you will feel even closer.

Romantically, you'll want lots of affection and the one who gives it to you will win your heart. Although travel will be possible all month to places near and far, plan to celebrate New Year's Eve quietly, and stay close to home.

Dates to note

Most romantic dates: December 3-4, 5-7, 12-13, 16 (gold plated!), 21, 22, 26, and 27

Pay a bill or sell a possession: December 2 plus or minus four days

Protect your health and seek help if you need it, within four days of December 2, the full moon in Gemini.

Look at spaces to rent or buy: December 10

Interview for a new position or make a presentation: December 14

Apply for a bank loan or negotiate employer perks: December 16 plus one week

Give a party or go to one: December 16 and 20

A friend will be difficult: December 19

Do not sign paperwork: all month. Wait until after January 16

A sudden medical or dental procedure may come up: December 31, or a close family member, female, may need your assistance.

Travel is indicated all month, both near and far. Plan to be home for New Year's Eve.

Expect one source of income to end shortly after the eclipse if (it has not already disappeared in the past few months) on December 31. A new one, better suited to your talents, will start shortly after.
发表于 2009-12-2 09:27:44 | 只看该作者

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