4、Those that have Saturn and Mars in the same part of the Zodiac will be liable, in the course of their lives, to many misfortunes; and if they shall both be in Taurus, and posited in the fourth house; when the Ascendant, by direction, comes to their rays, the Natives will have some severe falls, or be in danger by reason of some ruinous buildings failing on them.
条文中,The same part of the Zodiac中的part经过反复思考只可能指的是Sign,即星座,也就是说土星和火星落在同一个星座。这里条文并未说是合相,但是考虑到在印度占星理论中,两星落入同一星座即可视为合相,所以,这里也可以认为原文所说的土星火星位于同一个部位即是火土合相。
后半句令人费解。论断的前提条件是土火合相发生在金牛座且为4宫,direction在多数资料中指的是主限法,而以上升点、中天之类的宫位起点作推进,就唯有主限法了。comes to their rays我最初考虑为合相,但这会存在问题,由于主限法的基础推进尺度是1度等于1年,而从上升点开始,推进到第4宫的宫头,一般得大约需要70-90年,折算成人的年龄后已是垂暮之年了,所以comes to their rays在这里应该是形成相位之类的含义,以60和90度为主,当上升点推进到这些位置时对盘主的影响也肯定是残酷的。
6、If the Ascendant be one of those Signs called “Mute”, and Mercury in one that is not humane, with any fixed Star of the nature of Saturn, the Native will never speak well, but bring forth his words with difficulty.
7、He that hath the Moon in Tairus in the second separating from the square or Opposition of Jupiter, and applying to Trine of the Sun shall obtain very considerable riches.
9、When an Infortune is posited on the cusp of the seventh house, the Native will be liable to great calamities, and if an Infortune be in Aspect with the Sun or Moon afflicted in the same place, the Native , though a Prince, shall suffer a world of troubles.
12. If the Dragon’s Tail be with Saturn in Square of the Moon, and she Cadent, the Native will be consumptive, especially if from an Angle; but if besides it be in Square to the Lord of the Ascendant, he will be sickly and infirm all the days of his life, and if such Aspect happen in or from the sixth house, so much the worse.
13. When Jupiter is in the Sixth house, Retrograde, and the Lord of the Second Peregrine, and no benevolent fixed star to help, the Native will be very poor and necessitous.
16. If Jupiter and the Moon in any nativity shall be very weak and afflicted though other positions seem never so promising, yet the Native shall be exceedingly unhappy.
18. When Venus and Jupiter shall be in the Seventh, the Moon beholding them in her own dignities, and the Dragon’s Head joined with them or with Mercury, the Native shall get a great Estate by means of his wives.
真是反感古人资料中经常出现的behold、join、mix等之类的词,每次看到这些地方就需要花时间琢磨一番。金星、月亮代表女性,金木两颗吉星都贡献给了7宫,月亮庙旺利财,金木合相亦利财,论断到此已能说明问题,但接下来带入的交点就不解了,一方面是对join这个词怎么理解,二是为什么要将水星牵扯进来。交点能够对相位组合起到强化作用,但用join with them说不清是合金木还是月亮,或者是其它相位组合,而且根据条文所用的or得到的含义,作者认为北交点拉不上前面的组合的话与水星组合亦可,这就令人困惑了,将北交点和水星独立出来有什么意义呢,水星也是代表了某一类的财运,但将它和北交点的组合作为配偶财富这个论断的条件之一,不解。
20.Venus in the heart of the Sun gives vast honors and dignities, the same may be hoped for, if a Planet with the Fixed Star called “Cor Leonis” behold the Moon.
23. When Jupiter shall be in the tenth in Trine of Mars, and strong; and the Sun with the Dragon’s Head, and the Moon with Cor Leonis; such Native, thought the son of the meanest peasant, shall be wonderfully exalted.
27、When the Moon in Opposition to the Sun is joined with nebulous stars, the Native will have some defect in his sight; if the Moon in the Seventh be afflicted by both the Infortunes, and if their rays are very strong he will be blind.
28、The compound rays of Jove, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon, give the greatest grace and sweetness of speech, and therefore when Jupiter shall be in Virgo, and the Moon in Pisces, it is an opportune time for the birth of a Poet. Poets are always born, not made.
32. Whoever has Jupiter in aspect with the Sun, will be proud and haughty, and yet shall have little cause for it, unless they happen to be in reception.
33. The Nativities of women in matters appertaining to life, are like those of men, but as to fortune, wholly unlike, and touching manners, after a middle kind, neither wholly agreeable, nor wholly contrary.