
标题: 苏珊·米勒Susan Miller处女座2010年12月运势 [打印本页]

作者: 霸天虎    时间: 2010-12-1 12:38
标题: 苏珊·米勒Susan Miller处女座2010年12月运势
This may be one of those months where everything seems a little off kilter. Mercury, your ruler, will be retrograde from December 10 to 30, but you will notice a slow pace all month. It's a perfect time to do research and meditate about your New Year ahead, but do not etch anything in stone quite yet. The world will be in flux, and you will have to go with the flow. Any deal you negotiate now will need to be renegotiated later, so hold back. Everyone will be in the same position, so you won't be alone.

In a way, industrious Virgo, you will finally have your chance to sit back and relax because it will be so difficult for you to reach influential people. If you do manage to reach them, it will be nearly impossible to get an intelligent answer on a pending project. They are not sure where they stand yet, so pressing for answers won't accomplish your aim. This is not a month to begin anything at all, so cool your jets - January will give you plenty of time for that.

Your home life has been on your mind lately, and it might have to do with a family member who concerns you, or there may be a real estate matter that you'll need to settle. You've been distracted with work, but last month Mars began to light your home sector and began to spark your interest in sprucing up your home. You may even already have some impressive progress to show for your efforts in November.

Now, just as Mars is about to say goodbye to this area (home, real estate, family) on December 7, not to return here for two years, the new moon will arrive in this very same place on December 5 to give you an extra boost of energy for two solid weeks. The power of a new moon can have an even stronger effect than a tour of Mars, so this means family, home, and property matters will show more signs of life.

You'd be wise to start collecting information to make a decision about what you'd like to do, but don't act on those choices just yet. Jupiter is moving close to Uranus these days, so you recently may have had a burst of luck with a home-related matter, and that luck will continue into most of January.

The problem is, Mercury is retrograde, so if your project is a big one, you can talk and negotiate, but you can't really settle matters until January. So, for example, if you hope to sell your house, you will have one delay after another, and all of them will be unexpected. Actually, anything that prevents you from acting will be in your interest, so be glad for those delays.

You can paint your rooms or do maintenance now, however, for Mercury, when retrograde, likes you to go back and spruce things up that are already in place. For example, you can put in new energy-saving windows, have your couch reupholstered or cleaned, or repair that kitchen door. It seems that something you've been meaning to do but couldn't do before is now back on your list to get done. If you bid on a house previously and were turned down, you might be asked to come back and bid again - and this time win the bid. Going back to things of the past is always fortunate when Mercury is retrograde, and Mercury will be IN this house for part of the time.

A new series of eclipses in the new Gemini-Sagittarius family will be starting up now, and some will be friendly and others will be less so. Sagittarius rules your home life, and Gemini, your career, so these are the places that will start to become some of your biggest areas of change over the coming two years. Change always brings opportunity, therefore this can be good news. Same old will give way to brand new, and you'll be ready for all the changes that will come your way.

This month, on December 21, we will see the first eclipse in a new family of signs, Gemini-Sagittarius, and this first eclipse will be a difficult one. It will fall in your house of career, reputation, and status, and it will highlight your career and your position in your industry. Being a full moon, something career-related is ending. It might or might not be your job.

A woman VIP may leave (lunar eclipses are usually linked to a female), and you may be shocked when it happens, as this person is someone you liked. Or, you may see a very volatile situation arise that would affect your professional standing. Coming so close to the holiday, this will be a tough eclipse for everybody (not only Virgo). This full moon eclipse will be given greater strength by falling directly on the solstice, considered a highly important nodal point. Any time an eclipse falls on the solstice, you can double its power. We have not had an eclipse on a solstice since 2001.

To add to the stormy atmosphere, this eclipse will receive a very difficult beam from Uranus, within very tight degrees. The matter will arise suddenly, without warning. Uranus always rules what you aren't looking at and what you'd least expect. If you have an agent, publicist, or other expert that you are partnering with, you may suddenly need to make a change. Uranus is now in your partnership sector, so a collaborator could well be the main problem. You may feel betrayed by this person, or kept in the dark, but this eclipse will expose everything.

If you would like to read more about eclipses, you can read my article "How to Deal with Eclipses" that I prepared for you by clicking here: HYPERLINK "http://www.astrologyzone.com/eclipses"http://www.astrologyzone.com/eclipses

If your birthday falls within September 17-21, you will feel this eclipse directly, and if you were not born near these dates, you may feel things only mildly. I cannot see everything in your chart, so this is a good estimate.

It is possible that you already felt the news of this eclipse in November, as some people feel eclipses one month to the day earlier, plus or minus five days. If you had any shocking career news last month, it sounds like you already experienced the news of this eclipse. As said, most will feel it in December, but a small group may receive news earlier.

Still, there will be incredibly beautiful high points this month. Creatively, you will do exceedingly well. Mars and Pluto will both tour your creative fifth house, so your inner strength and your ability to generate original ideas will be astounding. Rarely have you been so singularly directed and so nearly obsessed about seeing your creative goals through to completion. In this month, where you will show such keen concentration, there is almost nothing you can't accomplish. For your creativity, the sky's the limit.

Watch what happens on December 13 when Mars and Pluto will conjoin precisely, and you will reach new heights of imagination. Spend time working on what you love doing, for that will be a source of pleasure forever. The original work you do will make you proud.

Romantically, if you have had a close relationship, you've been through many ups and downs over recent years, and if you say, "I don't have the strength for another relationship," I say to you, give love a chance.

This month, Mars will move into perfect-for-Virgo Capricorn, so if you are single and searching for someone you can love, someone you can trust, you will have Mars on your side and working hard for you. January is likely to be an even bigger month romantically, so this is a trend that is on the upswing and unfolding in lovely ways.

If you are attached and in an established relationship, you may have a tense moment with a partner or with an older child on December 3 or 17, first when Uranus will challenge Mars, and then when Uranus will take on the Sun. Emotions will run high, so on these days, try not to bring up controversial subjects that serve as trigger points.

I am not sure whether these moments will reveal troubling thoughts or inclinations in your partner's head that will make you want to leave, or if you will feel what you find is simply an odd moment that can be overlooked. You've been through enough, and by now you are becoming quite skilled at spotting the difference.

Each difficult episode in life is meant to protect us, not hurt us. Listen to your instincts sooner rather than later, and you will be happier sooner. Keep in mind that the person who you find difficult may be a business collaborator or partner, so before you give up on love, realize the troublesome person may not be your romantic partner at all!

This month, Venus will tour your short-distance travel sector all month, and with the new moon trying to give you more fun, if you feel like taking a little time off, it would be a great idea. You may need time away to gain some perspective and to plan your New Year. You have a lot to look forward to, dear Virgo. Turn to the Sun and walk forward, and leave the shadows behind you.

Your most romantic dates: December 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 25, and 26

Mercury, your ruler, will be retrograde from December 10-30, so you will feel the month progress very slowly from the moment it begins. It would be unwise to make any key decisions about your future now because conditions are in flux. Wait for January, when you will have a more stable environment in which to make key decisions. You will see how dramatically things change and morph into other forms as the month goes on, so for now, sit tight.

At the start of the month, you will be focused on home and family, thanks to the new moon, December 5. You may be sprucing up your home for guests or putting up festive decorations for your immediate family to enjoy. You may be feeling quite creative about your home space, and if so, write down those ideas and act on them when the home goods and furniture sales begin next month. You can collect paint and fabric swatches, collect ideas from magazines, and request estimates from contractors. If already in the process of renovation, watch for any rising costs. Make sure you can approve overruns in writing before those costs are incurred.

A rather turbulent storm is about to move in later in the month in the form of a shocking full moon lunar eclipse, December 21, to focus on your career sector. A high level VIP may announce a surprise departure, or you may get news that affects your standing in your firm or industry. If you were interviewing for a new position, you will get news at this time, but it may not be the news you had hoped to hear.

Clearly, a chapter is ending in your professional life, in a way you had not anticipated. You will need time to absorb the news, doubly so if your birthday falls late in Virgo, near September 20. The eclipses are now moving into Gemini and Sagittarius, so home and career are due for several changes in the months ahead for all Virgos, of every birthday. The first piece of news will arrive now.

You are also entering into a highly romantic period, and it seems to be far more fun than the holiday period you enjoyed last year. Mercury is making you think back to an earlier love, so you may be tempted to call a former sweetheart to see if you can make a go of things now. If you want to call, do. At the very least, you can get closure, but you never know - you may reconcile.

If you are in a committed relationship, you may be weary of the problems you've faced recently, especially if you were born late in your sign, near September 20. Uranus is the culprit, and you may have difficult days on December 3, 17, and 21. Nevertheless, you are coming to an end of all this, and by early March, you will be done, never to see this type of problem repeated in your lifetime. That sounds like a sweeping statement, but it's true - Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, so it won't be in this part of your chart again, and thank goodness for that.

Whether single or attached, Mars will bring vibrancy to your social life from December 7 to January 15, 2011. If you'd like to take a vacation at some point within this period, do so. On the other hand, if you would rather stay in town but treat yourself to evening concerts, plays, ballets, and romantic dinners in pretty restaurants, you will have that option, too. Being the hard worker of the zodiac that you are, you rarely take time off, but now you can and should. The universe is rolling out the red carpet for you, and all you need to do is dress up and strike your pose!

Dates to Note for Libra:

Mercury is your ruling planet and will be retrograde from December 10 to 30. Nothing of earth-shattering importance will take place now, and if you do make an important initiation, it will only have to be tweaked (or completely abandoned) later.

Wait until mid-January to make major decisions and announcements.

Plans for home, property, and family will come up in the days following the new moon, December 5. Don't buy any expensive pieces for now, for Mercury is retrograde and your choices would disappoint you in time. Instead, start sketching, planning, and making lists. Collect estimates, swatches, and draw floor plans.

The move of Uranus direct will help all committed partnership matters, from December 5 on. Nevertheless, Uranus will be in a bad mood December 3, 17, and 21, and you could have problems with a partner at that time. Be ready. If you were born at the end of your sign, near September 20, you have become weary from all these partnership woes, but even you will see an end to this by early March.

Prepare for shocking professional news near the lunar eclipse December 21. Whatever you hear will be something you never thought you would.

The closer you were born to September 20, the more powerfully you will feel this eclipse of December 21.

Mars will enliven your social life from December 7 through to January 15 of next year. Do you long for a vacation? This period would be a perfect time to take it.

Your most romantic dates: December 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 25, and 26.
作者: 霸天虎    时间: 2010-12-1 12:39
标题: 机器翻译版本:

从某种意义上说,勤劳处女座,你终于有你有机会坐下来,放松,因为这将是使你很难达到有影响力的人。如果你设法接触他们,这将是几乎不可能再上一个有待回答的智能项目。他们不知道,他们的立场没有,所以迫切的答案不会达到目的。这不是一月份开始任何东西,太酷了你的飞机 - 一月会给你足够的时间对的。





你可以画你的房间或做保养,但现在对于水星,逆行的时候,喜欢你回去云杉东西是已经到位。例如,你可以把新的节能窗,让您的沙发reupholstered或清洗,或修理厨房门。看来,那些你一直这样做的意义,但不能做之前在您的名单现在回去取完成。如果你对某所房子出价和先前被拒绝,可能会要求您回来再次出价 - 这一次中标。回到过去的事情永远是幸运的,当水星逆行,水星将在这所房子是为部分时间。





如果您想了解更多关于日食更多,你可以阅读我的文章“如何应对与月食”,我为你准备通过点击这里:超链接“http://www.astrologyzone.com/eclipses”http://www .astrologyzone.com /日食
















你也进入了一个非常浪漫的时期,它似乎是远远超过你的假期期间享受去年的乐趣。水星是让你回想起到一个较早的爱,所以你可能会打电话给前情人,看看你可以走了的东西。如果你想打电话,做。最起码,你可以得到答案,但你永远不知道 - 你可能调和。

如果你在一个承诺的关系,你可能是你最近所面临的问题感到厌倦,特别是如果你是出生在你的星座在9月20日。天王星是罪魁祸首,您可能对12月3日,17日和21艰难的日子。不过,你要来了这一切结束,由三月初,你会做的,从来没有看到这样的你的一生中反复问题的类型。这听起来像一个笼统,但它是真的 - 天王星需要84年绕太阳一周,所以它不会在你这图的一部分了,并感谢老天爷。











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