另外这个网址看起来不错,虽然不似关于这本书,暂存一下: http://www.intuitivetarot.com/作者: 左耳 时间: 2012-12-1 20:20
名称 Intuitive Tarot: A Tool for Consciousness: A Complete Workbook for the Aleister Crowley Tarot
作者 Mangala Billson
版本 插图版
出版商 Perfect Publishers Limited, 2007
ISBN 1905399308, 9781905399307
页数 268 页作者: 左耳 时间: 2012-12-1 20:30
A unique and practical manual for using the Aleister Crowley cards as a tool for bringing consciousness into daily life, this resource can provide an invaluable added dimension to the skills of established readers.作者: 左耳 时间: 2012-12-1 20:56
回头再看了下,仍然同意自己在35楼的意见。作者: 左耳 时间: 2014-8-8 17:33
第16页:...."You may pull cards for the person to see where they were coming from and find it has little to do with your projection."