It's so easy to love a Taurus. As a Taurus you are a sensual creature. You notice all the little things around you that make the world a beautiful place to live - things others overlook. You will rave about the bouquet of a wine, the notes in a delicate fragrance, and the subtle ingredients in a French sauce. A Taurus knows life is to be lived to the fullest. Spending time with a Taurus is always fun and enlightening. You have so much to give, dear Taurus, and apparently someone near you understands you and is as ready as you to make a formal commitment to be with you forever.
Among the four planets in this important agreement sector at the new moon, November 6, you have the Sun, moon, Mercury, and Venus. Venus is your ruling planet and is always is a good indicator of where your attention will be drawn. It is significant that Venus is now touring your seventh house of marriage and committed collaborations of all kinds. You'll be ready to get engaged or to formalize a business partnership at the new moon November 6.
Overall, the aspects are very positive, but nevertheless, wait until November 19 to seal your final agreement, whether your impending promise will be verbal or written. If you were born on May 4, plus or minus four days, you will notice the energy of this new moon the most. In your case, it really does look as through you have some sort of partnership negotiation going on.
Venus will still be retrograde until November 18, so before that happens, it's not the time to have a formal "coming together" of two people of any kind. Venus rules love, so if you get engaged with Venus retrograde, the union may lack the full intensity of love, not only at the start but also for the life of that relationship. (You would be "giving birth" to that relationship the minute either you or your partner says "yes" to the question. (It would be more important to marry with Venus direct than to get engaged with Venus direct if you had to choose between the two. To tell you the truth, I would like both moving at strong speed. Let's not forget that Venus is your ruler and holds such powerful weight in your chart.)
Many people don't realize that Venus also rules the profit potential of an endeavor or a relationship, so the last thing you need is a partnership in business or even in a marriage that lacks money, for that would threaten its security.
Actually, with Venus retrograde during the first 18 days of the month, you may have had last-minute thoughts about someone you are serious about, and wonder if you should be thinking about taking more steps with this person. When any planet retrogrades, we have a chance to stop and think about our next moves. Take your time. If you feel you've progressed the relationship too far, too fast, you will have a chance to slow it down. If you feel you really do love this person, the time you took deciding that will be well spent, too. While you wait for Venus to turn direct again, you may get information that will be helpful in deciding what to do next.
Venus rules good looks too, so wait until AFTER November 18 before you style your hair differently or buy expensive jewels, clothing, or perfume. After all, Venus does rule all things that embellish or beautify (not only you, but also your home). Getting there can be expensive!
The wonderful part about November 18 is that not only will Venus turn direct, but also Jupiter will turn direct then too on the very same day. Jupiter is even more closely associated with money than Venus, and the fact that they are both turning direct is such good news. Jupiter is the good fortune, big money planet that also rules happiness, justice, healing, confidence, and favor from authority figures - everyone wants Jupiter's help, but Jupiter has been out of phase since July 23.
My mother, who taught me astrology as a teenager over a 12-year period, used to tell me to carefully circle the dates on a calendar when any planet turns direct. Within two or three days good news from that planet will emerge and that information will be related to the part of life that the planet rules.
So, for example, you may get a party invitation to a really gorgeous, luxurious event near Thursday, November 18, or you may hear a confession of love from your steady sweetheart. Something will happen to make you happy, but you must have your antenna up at the time so that you can notice and pay attention to what message the universe will be whispering to you. If, for example, you do receive an important party invitation on the day Venus goes direct, you must go! Something about that event is important to your future, for it is no coincidence that it will be showing up then, on such a critical day. Just open the window on and very close to November 18 and see what flies in.
A few days before Venus and Jupiter will turn direct, on Monday, November 15, you will have a gorgeous day when the Sun and Jupiter will collaborate in the best way possible, and Mars and Saturn will also be in lovely sync. Jupiter and the Sun will bring luck or fun with a friend, and you may start to feel the glow over the proceeding weekend, November 13-14. Meanwhile Saturn will create a feeling of stability by working with Mars. Mars will be in a financial house, so you may get an outstanding bargain or find ways to cost cuts so that you can enjoy more, for less! All in all, these days should please you.
Another planet will go direct this month, Neptune, on November 7, and Neptune RULES your eleventh house of friendship and fun but currently TOURS your tenth house fame and honors. Both areas should benefit. Again, watch the days that surround November 7, for something you are doing with a community of people, or with one friend, seems to have more import than usual. Also watch for signs of progress in your career then, too. That day, November 7, along with November 18, will point you in the right direction, for those the days will point to your future.
Also related to your status and career reputation, the Sun and Uranus will be working double time for you on Friday, November 19. This is sure to be a sparkler of a day, and because Uranus is the natural ruler of your house of career, you can expect at least some of the good news to relate to your career, and it could even bring news of an unexpected breakthrough that may pay a commission or other lump sum of money. Great! If you work in a creative field, this would be a perfect day for a presentation to influential people or to work on your own and brainstorm for new and innovative ideas.
Financially, late last month Mars moved into Sagittarius and is forcing up your spending. Fine! It looks as though you will need a few things AND you may also be starting to shop for holiday gifts. I am glad you are heeding my advice - shop now, not when Mercury is retrograde in December.
This is also a good time to do a little savvy year-end tax planning, for perhaps you can get a legal deduction for certain kinds of expenditures. It's also a good time to review your insurance needs and recurring payments, such as to cable, cell phone, and other providers. Who knows? A few phone calls can save you money this month, enough to afford a deluxe massage. Go for it, dear Taurus.
Romantically, with so many planets stacking up in the marriage house, you may be wondering, "What if I am single and not dating? Is there anything here for me?" Yes! You have a far better outlook than you used to, dear single Taurus. You hosted Saturn, the taskmaster planet, in your house of happiness, romance, and leisure, but that's an astrological oxymoron. Saturn wants you to work, not play. The period that Saturn was in your love sector extended from September 2007 to July 2010, so during that time you were being tutored on the lessons of love and perhaps came to realize things that you had not realized before. Last July you graduated from cosmic boot camp and, armed with the information you learned, you could put it to good use and have a more successful, easier close relationship in the future.
Here is one outstanding day to put a star on. Mercury rules your love sector (fifth house) and on November 4, the course of your love life should go very well! Mercury will be meeting with Jupiter, so it would be hard to go wrong! Have a first date on this day and you'll find many things in common.
Just the opposite will be true November 26-27, when Mercury and Uranus will be picking on each other. Those two days will be horrible for travel, shopping (yes, stay OUT of the stores, even through it is Black Friday and Black Saturday). For Taurus, November 26 and 27 will be awful for love, too. Something you say could cause a meltdown - everyone's nerves will be on edge. Mama mia!
I just want to remind you one more time, now that I have told you to stay out of the stores over November 26-27, to shop in November, not December. Mercury will retrograde next month and will make it a hard month to find the perfect gifts for friends and family. While it is true that Mercury will be out of phase from December 10 to 30, you will be pulled into the undertow of the retrograde by December 1. Make your list and check it twice, dear Taurus - you will enjoy shopping in the first three weeks of November, away from the last minute crowds.
The month will end on a really good note. The full moon this month will be in Taurus, 29 degrees, the degree of completion, so something highly important to you will reach a conclusion. This will be one of the truly sweet full moons of the year, because it'll contact both Jupiter (happiness, luck) and Uranus (surprises). Happily, both planets are in your house of hopes and wishes. If you delayed having an engagement celebration until this point of the month, or delayed your anniversary party (or any other patty for that matter) for now, you did everything right. What a great weekend this will be, November 20-21! It has your name written all over it!
If your birthday falls within five days of May 20, you will feel the benefits of this full moon most.
Your best romantic evenings: November 1, 2, 4, 6 (those attached), 15, 18, 19, 20, and 29.
With Venus (affection), Mercury (communication), the Sun, and moon (opportunity) crowded into your seventh house of serious, long-term commitment, this is your month to enter into any kind of collaboration. You seem to have a lot to discuss with your partner, and you'll be excited to see that your plans gain momentum. You may be getting ready to wed, or to take on a business partner or expert - any sort of twosome relationship you enter should do REALLY well.
You may be changing bank and credit card accounts as well this month, as there will be equal emphasis on financial management. Or, you may be looking for ways to fairly share expenses - and if so, talk now in November when aspects sparkle brightly. For this you will have Mars to thank, in this house until December 7.
It is likely you will sign a contract, and if so, your best day will be November 18 when profit-planets Jupiter and Venus will end being retrograde and move direct. Also on that day the moon will be in Taurus, favoring you. (It will be particularly critical that you wait until Venus turns direct, for Venus is your ruler. When your ruler is retrograde, it cannot support you and things tend to go wrong. Jupiter rules financial growth, so in all ways, waiting will pay off later!)
The full moon this month will be in Taurus on November 21, bringing a matter of enormous personal importance to you to fruition. Things will move quickly, culminating in an unexpected way. You may have long held a dream - possibly involving a romantic relationship - that may now materialize. The closer your birthday falls to May 20, the stronger the message of the full moon will be, and the more positive, too. This could be a very gratifying moment in your timeline, dear Taurus, for you will have the full force of Jupiter (gifts and luck) and Uranus (surprises) behind you. At long last, this could be one of your big moments of 2010.
When Venus and Jupiter turn direct by November 18, you'll see an exciting boost to your social life too. Attached? You'll have the advantage, for Venus will move through your house of marriage and commitment, putting you and your partner in a rare kind of sync. Friends are about to play a big role in your life too, thanks to Jupiter, and one new person you meet in November could have so much in common with you that you both become fast best friends.
Professionally, with Neptune turning direct November 7, you'll begin to see heartening progress in your career in the coming weeks. February will be particularly strong, so aim to make a major strategic move in your profession then. Get ready now, though, because when things begin to click, everything will move at the speed of light. Watch November 19 for good news, too!
Dates to Note for Taurus:
Love and travel is great November 4, but terrible November 26-27.
Your career will begin to become lively from November 7 onward, thanks to Neptune's move direct.
This will be a terrific month to collaborate in love or business.
If you are attached, or want to commit, all the pieces of your puzzle may fall in place, especially after the new moon, November 6 to 21.
Your best day to sign a contract will be November 19.
Venus, your ruler, will go direct from November 18, and after that, your life will speed forward on many levels. Relief!
Jupiter will also go direct November 18, boosting your social life perfectly for the coming holidays.
A friend may go out of her / his way for you, November 19, and touch your heart in many ways.
The full moon November 21 in Taurus may be a big day for you if born near May 20 - that full moon is operative plus or minus four days.
Two truly wonderful days: November 15, 19. Runner up: November 18.
Plan not to shop in December - this is the month to do so!
Best romantic evenings: November 1, 2, 4, 6 (those attached), 15, 18, 19, 20, and 29.作者: 汽车人 时间: 2010-11-1 16:21 标题: 机器翻译版本: 11月星座的金牛座