
标题: 苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天枰天平座2010年6月运势 [打印本页]

作者: 汽车人    时间: 2010-6-2 09:44
标题: 苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天枰天平座2010年6月运势
“作者Susan Miller” + “星译社 Chu Lim译”

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爱情吉日:6月1-2, 6-8, 10-12, 14, 15, 19-20, 28-29号

作者: 汽车人    时间: 2010-6-2 09:44
June Horoscope for Libra

This month has a little of everything. Three big planets are moving into new signs, so life will begin to feel very different. It won't be a slight change, like, "today I will wear a red sweater instead of a blue one." Rather, you are ready for more massive and radical change, and the planets will be ready to provide precisely that.

Something else about June will be different. While the first half of the month will be breezy and comforting, like soft music playing in the background, the second half will be jarring and discordant, a little like the sound of a piano falling down a flight of stairs. It is simply remarkable how such very different aspects could possibly crowd into one little teacup of a month.

Knowing this means you should be assertive during the first part of June, and more observant and less active after the Sun moves into Cancer on June 21. As June begins, the Sun will be in Gemini, a lovely place for you, for it's an air sign, like your sign of Libra. Later, we have a major eclipse in Capricorn on Saturday, June 26, so you will want to be completely finished with your talks and initiatives by then, and hunker down to see what comes up.

Let's start at the top and go through the month week by week. Late last month, Uranus entered Aries for the first time in decades. Few people today were alive during the last visit of Uranus to Aries, which occurred from 1927 to 1935. Even if you were alive then, chances are you were too young to remember much of what happened back in those days.

It's exciting to see a completely new trend start up. The place that Uranus visits in a chart suggests where you will experience your greatest excitement and stimulation now and in years to come. From now on, your biggest area of surprise and excitement will come through your partner - whether that person is someone you are deeply committed to romantically, such your spouse (or with someone in a similar type arrangement), or in business.

Uranus won't stay long. He is simply giving you a preview of a longer trend that will start next year. This year, Uranus will remain in your marriage / serious partnership sector (seventh house) until August 14. Next year, Uranus will re-enter this house on March 11, and will remain there until 2019.

Planets that spin on the outer edges of our solar system usually have a much greater influence on our lives than the ones that revolve close to the Sun. This is because outer planets move more slowly and remain in a house much longer - and therefore have more of a sustained influence. It takes Uranus 84 years to circle the Sun, spending seven years in each house he visits.

With Uranus in your seventh house, you may be attracted to someone highly creative who works in the arts, the sciences, or one of the high tech industries, for Uranus is associated with innovation and even genius. This person may be a bit idiosyncratic, but you seem to like that quality now.

Uranus brings with him his trademark volatility. Whatever you think you can expect from a partner probably won't materialize - something else will. As you will see in a moment, your surprises at the onset of this year and in the first half of 2011 will likely be very positive.

Let's say you've been married for years. One day your mate may come home and say she or he wants to pursue a completely different career. He or she may want to attend school at night to gain proficiency in something very different, say, to become a chef, and leave the world of accounting. Radical changes are common when Uranus comes by, and we will talk more about this in my future reports to you.

What makes June so remarkable is that Jupiter has been moving at the speed of light and is now zooming straight out of Pisces and into Aries. This is probably not pleasing the Pisces among us one bit, as they assumed that they could count on Jupiter being at their side for a full year, as is typical. Up until now, they've had less than five months with this planet of good fortune and gifts, and now he is moving to Aries!

Jupiter will remain in Aries only from June 6 to September 9 when it will return to Pisces until January 22, 2011. After that, this planet of good luck will be back to Aries to fill your marriage sector, to remain until June 4, 2011.

Here's an important point to keep in mind about the orbit of planets. When I mention that a planet is moving fast for its own orbit, it means that planet is very potent, and you would feel the effects of that planet much more than if it were slowing down to get ready to retrograde, or actually be retrograde. (Alas, a retrograde planet is a very sleepy, lethargic planet.) Jupiter has not been retrograde this year, which is why the Pisces had such a strong Jupiter at their side. While in Pisces, you hosted Jupiter in your house of health and work projects, and both of these areas of your life benefitted.

As said, Jupiter will be back to Pisces from September 9, 2010 to January 22, 2011, so again, you will have a chance to improve these areas of your life, and that includes increasing your fitness level. (Indeed, having Jupiter in the sixth house is, I have found, the best place for getting fit and toned - miraculously so - if you just show some effort.) You will also find really wonderful projects to work on, and even find side jobs to do if you'd like to earn more money.

In the meantime, Jupiter will be in your partnership house all summer (or if you live in the Southern Hemisphere, all winter), bringing you all kinds of good fortune from a partner who cares about you. Of all the people in your life, it will be your partner who will bring you your biggest benefits.

If you want to find a new job, for instance, a headhunter would be quite helpful to you now, rather than trying to find a job on your own. If you are a screenplay writer, perhaps you might consider working with a writing partner, or if not, then to work with an agent who will represent your work.

If you want to open a business, you might want to consider having a partner. There is no law that says you have to invite that person into a 50-50 partnership. If the business is your idea and you have most of the expertise, you can have a 70-30 partnership, or whatever you think is fair.

The interesting part about all of this is that the seve fully understand how eclipses affect you, I have rewritten a special piece on Astrology Zone called "How to Deal with Eclipses," which you can read by going to this link: www.astrologyzone.com/eclipses/

You are in a rare and very important phase where present day discussions will be done to stabilize your life. Think of this period as a precursor to actions you will take in September when the pieces of your plan will fit more perfectly into place. For now, you may experience many changes, some surprising, some jarring, and still others quite exciting. Change is necessary, and you, of all people, will see the value of shaking things up.

Mars, the energy planet, will move out of Leo on June 7, and begin to light your twelfth house of privacy and planning. Your twelfth house is the last house of the horoscope and represents the end of a long cycle. You need to let go of people who drain your strength as well as outworn events to get ready to launch your new cycle.

Plan to be done with this "cleaning out" process by the time Mars prepares to enter Libra on July 29 where it will remain until September 14. For now, quiet yourself down, socialize less, and take time to think about your future. You have enjoyed quite a long period where you were able to see friends and attend all kinds of interesting events, but in the coming seven weeks, you'll be entering a completely new and different phase where you can achieve high productivity when in solitude.

Taking time for yourself, to catch your breath, and to finish projects is a good idea. Aim to clear the decks both this month and next so that you can start August with a fresh slate. New opportunities will show up soon, and you'll want to take advantage of the juiciest ones. You won't be able to do so if you are too busy with projects you don't even like doing! Unload those!

While it is clear you'll need to be home to deal with home and family issues that surface after the June 26 eclipse, you may want to take a vacation beforehand, just after the new moon, June 12, a lovely time to do so. If the option comes up, go, but opt for a restful, quiet retreat, possibly abroad (very possible now), not a strenuous, action-packed adventure. Allowing time to rest prior to month's end would be an ideal way to get ready for the upcoming eclipses and the news they'll bring concerning career and home, property, or family. Change is good - you can set things right once you are clear about where you want to go.

The best news of the month involves the pairing of Jupiter, the good fortune planet, and Uranus, planet of surprise, on June 8. What a day that is slated to be! Someone with whom you're aligned will make a strong effort to make sure you are happy. If you have an agent, that person is a jewel to you. If you are the agent, you apparently represent talent that the market wants! This is a four-star day!

Between June 8 and September 9, you'll have extraordinary, surprising luck from partners, experts, and those who represent you (or you, them). Jupiter always gives you more than you could ever imagine getting - see what's up for you!

Dates to Note

Home and family will be in the forefront of your mind this month due to a major full moon eclipse in Capricorn, June 26. Be reachable. You may see some far-reaching events that require resourcefulness and focus.

Mars, the energy planet, will move into a very private, meditative, and strategic place of the chart from June 7 until July 29.

Marriage and all sorts of serious collaborations glow now that Jupiter will be in Aries from June 6 to September 9. Get engaged or married, or use this lovely vibe to improve your relationship. You can also sign a business partner or agent.

You may feel less like socienth house is Libra's natural house - Libra "owns" that house. Teaming up with another person is often something you do quite naturally. Most Libras enjoy having someone to act as a sounding board, as Libras draw strength from working with others.

The universe wants you to sit up and notice this trend and will send you a spectacular aspect on June 8 when Jupiter and Uranus will align perfectly for the first time since February 15, 1997.
作者: 汽车人    时间: 2010-6-2 09:44
Put a circle around June 8, plus or minus one day, to see what comes up! You are due for some out-of-the-blue help from a partner, for sure!

Another important event happening in early June is the move of Mars out of Leo and into Virgo. You probably enjoyed having Mars in Leo, as Mars encouraged you to see friends and lead a very active social life. You may have opened an account on Twitter or started elsewhere in social media, or if you already had been involved in social media, you may have stepped up your on-line presence. Your calendar was likely dotted with plenty of events to attend in real life too, and therefore you were very busy. Now, with Mars in Virgo, you will get a few weeks of rest.

The twelfth house, which Mars will be moving through from June 7 to July 29, is associated with quiet meditation and solitude. You may be ready for a little privacy and a more relaxed schedule now. Focus on cleaning up any unfinished tasks during this coming period.

You need to clear the decks, dear Libra, in anticipation of a very important new two-year cycle that will start up when Mars enters Libra. If your basket is too full, you won't be able to add anything new to your life, and that would be a shame. Now's the time to decide what in your life should stay and what should go in anticipation of Mars' entry into Libra, from July 29 to September 13.

Mars in the twelfth house, which will be the case for you starting June 7, sometimes increases interaction with medical personnel, whether for yourself or for others. You may hear of someone in the hospital and visit them a great deal, or you may decide that this point in the year is a good time to go in to have a procedure done.

Mars will also set the perfect environment now to quit a habit that has had a negative effect on your health. You might want to see a hypnotist, coach, or other professional to help you stop your habit. This is the best time to do that in over two years, and you will have seven weeks of really strong support from Mars to help you accomplish what you set out to do.

The new moon will offer you the opportunity to travel from June 12 onward (plus two weeks), and if you can get away, it would be an ideal time to do so. I will admit that this new moon will send a hard glance to Saturn, so it may not be easy for you to get away. You may be concerned about a family member who is ill and perhaps in the hospital, or you may have some other obligations that tug on you.

Try to get away just AFTER June 12 if you can (sometime in the two weeks that follow), for you do need the rejuvenating effects of being in a new setting. Besides, Neptune, now in your house of true love, is beckoning and will spin quite an enchanting interlude for you if you go. If you are married or attached, you will find your partner will spoil you during this journey. If you are single, you may meet someone on your trip. It all sounds good!

If your birthday falls on October 14 or within five days of this date, you will benefit most from this lovely new moon. Get out your passport and go!

Now we come to the full moon lunar eclipse of June 26. Falling in your solar fourth house, something important seems to be coming to critical mass that is related to your home, other property, or a family member, most likely a parent. When it does, it will be completely unexpected.

The formation of planets at the time of this eclipse is quite harsh. Uranus will be in hard angle to the Sun, the moon, Pluto, and Mercury. Saturn will be also in a bad mood, opposing Uranus, in sharp angle to Pluto, the Sun, the moon, and Jupiter. Each of these planets will be squared off in a configuration called a cardinal cross. This happens when planets are based on the most sensitive angles in a chart, in four different corners of the sky. Because they are all in the energetic, restless "lets do it NOW" cardinal signs (Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and almost Libra - Saturn is 1.5 degrees away), we call this a "cardinal" cross.

If you own property, or even if you rent, be sure you have it secure with alarms to prevent burglars and break-ins. Saturn square Pluto can create theft. Look at your insurance policy, and make sure you are covered for electrical or water damage of any kind.

You might be told that your landlord needs your apartment and that you will have to move, or that one of your roommates is moving out. You may decide to paint the house or see the end (or the start) of a massive renovation. You may buy or sell a house, but with so many planets in hard angles to each other, there will be obstacles to overcome.

Alternatively, you may be concerned about a family member, perhaps a parent advanced in age (more likely mother than father as this is an eclipse of the moon, which is feminine). A full moon in Capricorn refers to the aged, as Capricorn rules longevity. Protect the health of your beloved parent - Capricorn also rules bones, the knees, teeth, and skin (and all sorts of rashes or disorders of the skin). Because this will be a full moon, there could be a problem with the right eye (for females) or the left eye (for males).
作者: 汽车人    时间: 2010-6-2 09:45
I will be honest - this is not an easy full moon eclipse. Tension will be in the air, and you will see this played out on the world stage, too. Be very careful with investments - you can expect the stock market to do a dramatic free fall sometime between June 26 and August 13. Knowing this, you may want to meet with your financial advisor to find a way to protect your savings and get to high ground.

Not all Libras will feel this eclipse directly. You will if you were born on September 28, plus or minus five days, or if you have any planets in Libra, Aries, Cancer, or Capricorn at 5 degrees or close to that degree.

No matter when your birthday falls, think back to June 24, 2002 for an idea of what themes came up, as a similar, albeit gentler, version of an eclipse happened then.

You may be able to decipher an even more accurate clue if you think back to the lunar eclipse of June 26, 1991.

You will never get an exact duplicate of a cosmic event, but you can get an idea from the types of discussions that came up then and that might again come up now.

Also, because eclipses are always joined in a theme to the ones that came before in a series of signs (this time Cancer-Capricorn), think back to the last set of eclipses we had on December 31, 2009 / January 1, 2010 (depending on your time zone) for clues, and to what went on in your life near January 15 two weeks later. Also, think further back to the first set of eclipses in this family of signs that occurred July 7 and 21, 2009.

I know you must have questions about eclipses, for they really are very different from normal new moons and full moons. In fact, they have the strength of three moons rolled up in one! I have prepared a completely redone article called "How to Deal with Eclipses," which is ready for you now on Astrology Zone. I feel it will help you prepare for what might come up. Just click on this URL to see it: www.astrologyzone.com/eclipses/

Before I go, I would like you to mark down June 12 through June 15 as your very best days for just about any purpose - love, career, friendship, you name it - this month. Within this phase, June 14 and 15 will be extra special thanks to the special relationship between Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus. These days are dazzlers for you!

Best days for love: June 1-2, 6-8, 10, 12-15, 19-20, 28-29

Your home and career are in flux, and anything you need to know to make decisions about either or both will be presented both this month and in July. The eclipses are back, and they always come in pairs. The first one is due this month on June 26 in Capricorn, lighting your house of home and family, and next month on July 11 your career will be the focus. You will have a lot to think about, and you'll have time to plan. This month keep your schedule light, and don't be out of town.

After this eclipse is over, two weeks later we will have a solar eclipse (this time, a new moon) on July 11, which will bring changes and possible opportunities to your career. (Those born October 12, plus or minus five days, will feel that second eclipse the most.) That one will be a far less emotional eclipse and may bring you some exciting news.

In order to help you mor use this lovely vibe to improve your relationship. You can also sign a business partner or agent.

You may feel less like socializing with friends as a result of Mars' move, and may prefer to hunker down behind closed doors, perhaps to spend time with your one-and-only sweetheart / spouse. If you do work in solitude, you will become a master of productivity. By the end of July, all your projects will be done, and you'll have a clean slate.

While you are in a relaxed, meditative state of mind, consider taking a vacation near the new moon, June 12. Don't go too late in the month, for you will need to be back home by the eclipse of June 26 - you'll need to take care of whatever comes up. Taking time to relax mid-month would be a great idea, as you'll want to go into "eclipse time" clear-headed

If you can't get away, consider going to a lecture, museum exhibit, or taking classes. Filling up on culture will make you feel warm and satisfied inside. Take any moments you can find to be relaxed and happy.

Romance will be best when Venus, your ruling planet, is moving through Leo from June 14 to July 10.

Your most exciting day for love: June 14 or 15.

Best days for love: June 1-2, 6-8, 10-12, 14, 15, 19-20, 28-29.
作者: zwl103    时间: 2010-6-3 16:30
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作者: 萤七邪    时间: 2010-6-4 00:07

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