
标题: 苏珊·米勒Susan Miller狮子座2010年1月运势 [打印本页]

作者: 汽车人    时间: 2009-12-31 16:27
标题: 苏珊·米勒Susan Miller狮子座2010年1月运势
Leo Horoscope for January 2010

By Susan Miller

This will be a big month because it holds two eclipses, first a lunar eclipse December 31/ January 1 (depending on the time zone you live in) and one two weeks later, a solar eclipse, January 15. The Sun rules Leo, so the second, a solar eclipse, will be the more important moment for you.

When you hear the word "eclipse" you probably want to run for cover, for over the past two years, the eclipses that came by were in Leo and Aquarius. Those were prevalent throughout 2008 and during part of 2009, causing some rather massive changes in your life.

Now there is a new family of eclipses reigning supreme, ones in Cancer and Capricorn, so you will no longer be in the eye of cosmic storms. Say goodbye to the massive adjustments you were forced to make lately. You've had to make a number of adjustments over those two years, and although all eclipses bring change, the new ones will be in places in your chart that will be far easier to adopt.

The first eclipse fell on December 31 in the United States, but will fall on January 1 in Asia and Australia and in other places. I am splitting hairs here - eclipses have a very wide area of influence, so one day here or there is not of much import. You may feel the effects of an eclipse for six months or even more. This first eclipse, a full moon lunar eclipse, will fall in Cancer, so your twelfth house will become activated. You may hear of a secret that someone has carefully kept hidden, or you may have a secret of your own that will come out in the open. The job of an eclipse is to make certain truths obvious, so when they do, it's always a revelation.

Beginning a year with an eclipse is unusual. We haven't had an eclipse on New Year's Day in ages. The last one I can think of that was close was in 2001, on December 30. It certainly begins the year with a bang.

You need to take good care of your health this month, as planets are gathering in both your sixth house of preventative healthcare and fitness and in your twelfth house of hospitals, psychological well-being, rehabilitation, and therapy of all kinds - physical and mental. You may have more than usual interaction with doctors, coaches, fitness experts, nutritionists, or dentists. Alternatively, you may have this interaction on behalf of someone close, not for yourself. If you feel fine, that's great. It may just mean you are serious about getting back on a fitness schedule.

The following eclipse, January 15, will light the house of physical well being, so it would be an ideal time to make any big initiation for improving your strength and stamina or to have an operation or other procedure. Again, wait a few days to begin, beyond the eclipse for best luck, say, January 17 or 18.

If you do find that a health matter comes up and needs to be addressed, jump on it quickly so that you can be back to feeling in tiptop shape again in no time flat. On the other hand, if you have a medical emergency, of course, anytime is a good time to get it taken care of! Often when Mercury is retrograde, we go back to what was once wrong to get it addressed, and that includes health matters.

As the year begins you will have plenty of work to do, as the sixth house also rules work projects and assignments. One of your assistants, other underlings, or co-workers may now be leaving, and as a result, you may feel in a bit of a tizzy. On one hand it's great that so much work is coming though the door, but on the other, having fewer hands to get the work done is due to create tension. There may be new procedures, new equipment, or a new organizational hierarchy to conform to, and that will take a little adjustment.

Saturn will be in hard angle to Pluto so in doing your assignments, details will matter. It will be vital that you don't lose or overlook any information. You'll have to find ways to get more done despite fewer people on staff. As a Leo you're a superb manager of time and resources - this is one of your sign's strengths - so if anyone can pull off this month's demands, it's you.

Do the best you can. If you need to hire help, do so after Mercury turns direct, January 16. Actually, I would suggest you wait a few extra days beyond this date, as the day that Mercury turns on its strength it is always the worst of days - always filled with static. Imagine an ocean liner doing a U-turn - you see how hard that is - it takes all its strength to do. That's why the day Mercury turns direct is always so bad to make any big announcements or decisions. If you choose someone and hire them prior to, say, January 18, you will find you'll not be happy with their performance, and they won't be happy with the job. As you see, it would be a disaster.

While on the topic of Mercury retrograde, if you were given any cash from loving relatives as holiday gifts, be sure not to spend it until late January. Electronics in particular (or any item with moving parts) purchased when Mercury is retrograde will not deliver the promise you anticipate.

One of the best, most wonderful pieces of news of the month is that Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will move into Pisces on January 17 and remain in that sign for the better part of 2010. In Pisces, Jupiter will bring financial benefits to your eighth house of other people's money. That is the part of the chart that rules taxes, credit cards, insurance payouts, scholarships, financial aid, child support, money you are owed, and money you owe others - you get the idea.

This is the area of your chart that has been under difficult affliction for years - the area that the universe is about to give a complete correction to change the dismal financial picture you've been coping with over the past few years.

This year you can look forward to much more money and it will come in the form of commissions, an advance or royalty, court settlement, insurance payout, scholarship or generous college financial aid, a prize winning (say, if you appear on a TV game show as one of many examples), an inheritance, or from "side" money other than earned income.

I mentioned inheritance, but don't worry that someone you love will leave you. Many families these days give their children money while they are alive and well so that they can help their children when they need the money most. This might be the case for you.

Next month you will see the benefits of having Jupiter in Pisces. He needs a little time to set up shop, and besides, February brings benefits beyond any you've seen in recent years. It may well become one of your favorite months of the year.

As the month winds down, you'll come to the full moon at 10 degrees Leo. Matters important to you will become clearer and you may see the fulfillment of something vital to you.
作者: 汽车人    时间: 2009-12-31 16:27
This full moon will be conjunct Mars, so you'll be raring to go, ready to swing into action quickly, but you will have to hold back just a little. Mars is still in Leo, but as of last month, December 20, Mars went retrograde. This means Mars is asking you to look back and analyze things before you rush forward. Consider all points and perfect your strategy.

If you are having problems rallying others to your point of view, it's due to Mars retrograde. That will change March 10, so keep talking and negotiating and don't give up. Stay confident that you can make progress, even though it may be slow. With Venus in Aquarius in your partnership / collaboration house, you'll find that others are coming 'round to supporting you. Actually, with the Sun in Aquarius too at month's end, you'll make your best progress by working in a team situation rather than trying to fly solo.

In the meantime, this full moon January 30 should be a happy point in the month. You may get a chance to relax over this weekend by doing something fun that also gives you a dash of luxury. I can see you nodding, saying to yourself, "Now you're talking!"

Romantically, you are moving into a lovely phase of the year, and February will be even more delicious than late January. Jupiter in your eighth house (as of January 17) will make you more affectionate and demonstrative, and with Venus in Aquarius more interested in pleasing your partner.

Also, Mars in Leo has amped up your charms, so getting noticed (if single) will not be a problem. Money woes have put a damper on your spirit, but with your financial picture brightening day by day, you'll feel much more in the mood for love and fun.

If you are seriously attached, late January and February will be quite special. Next month, Valentine's Day could be a banner point in your timeline. For you, the best is still yet to come, dear Leo.


You will have to have your wits about you in January, for your work life will be quite hectic during most of the month. If you are feeling a little dazed from a busy holiday schedule (it seems so), then take a little time in January's first week to shore up your health. A family member may be under the weather and in also need of your assistance. Soon it will be apparent that many around you are depending on you and that you will need to remain organized and grounded.

Speaking of work, the solar eclipse on January 15 could bring news of a massive restructuring at your office. Personnel changes, shifts in the organizational hierarchy, and new assignments could all occur now. You will have plenty of work to consume you, but happily, with Venus in this house, you will likely enjoy the changes that take place, as well as any new co-workers who are added to the department.

If you need an assistant you may now get the green light to hire one but should not hire until on or after January 18. New clients may come through the door and new equipment or software may make your job easier. Still, with Saturn in hard angle to Pluto, there will be pressure to produce more in less time and at lower cost, adding an element of tension. With Uranus so well positioned, you could prosper under these changes, with a raise or extra fees due you.

Mars is still favoring you in Leo but will be retrograde, so if you want to rally the troops or launch an idea, it would be best to plan but not make any announcements just yet. Prepare carefully and plan to begin after March 10 or even later. Mercury will be retrograde in your work sector during the first three weeks of January too, so expect things to be a bit chaotic but overall, moving in the right direction.

On January 17 Jupiter will move into Pisces for the first time since 1998 and remain in that sign for most of 2010. Once in Pisces, Jupiter will fill your house of loans, scholarships, credit, venture capital, and other money won, loaned, or even given to you outright in one large sum. As tough as your finances have been - and indeed, your cash flow seems to have been quite tight in recent months - in weeks ahead, you will soon see a joyous turn for the better.

The solar eclipse January 15 may give you the impetus to take better care of yourself and you may also embark on a fitness plan you enjoy. Scheduling medical and dental checkups this month would be a fine idea, as your health is being highlighted and protected in a major way. Even if you have tried to lose weight, get fit, and eat more nutritionally in the past and failed, this time you have an excellent chance at success. You may also give up a habit that is detrimental to your health, and again, even if you've tried and failed in the past, this time you can make a successful go of quitting.

The month will end with a full moon in Leo January 30, bringing a matter of enormous personal importance to fullness. This appears to involve a close personal relationship, and if so, things look so good for a happy resolve. You may soon be getting engaged or married, or make other future plans with a person dear to you. If already attached, you can find accord on a future plan by next month. Venus will be traveling in your house of marriage, and it includes other serious promises you make to others, so you should find your main relationship to be inspirational and fulfilling.

If the alliance you are discussing is business based, you can crystallize your formal relationship fairly easily in late month. You can look forward to a successful outcome because your timing for sealing your pact would be so right on at the end of January. If you were born on August 2 plus or minus four days, you will feel this energy most.

If you are single, your charms will be quite obvious to others, thanks to the tour of Mars in Leo. You seem more adventuresome and more willing to go out to mix and mingle - perfect! Things will get even hotter next month, near Valentine's Day, so continue to take a little extra time with your appearance before you leave the house. You will want to look your best. Someone will notice you soon and it will be a person who you'll want to know better. You are coming into your own, dear Leo. It's just a matter of time.

Leo Dates to Note

A secret that someone has tried to hide from you will come to fullness at the full moon lunar eclipse of January 1.

Health and fitness are strongly emphasized. If you have not been taking good care of yourself, you will want to get back on track on January 15.

At the full moon January 30, a dearly important event, project, or relationship will reach fullness. It should be a good time for you, especially if you were born on or near August 2.

Mars is still in Leo, a fantastic advantage, and it will stay in your sign until June 7. However, now that Mars is retrograde, it's weak. Be patient as projects stall. Others need to catch up with your thinking. After March 10, your ideas will be approved more easily with less hassle.

Make a long term plan or promise January 24 when the Sun and Saturn are in beautiful angles.

Romance will be best: January 2 (wild card), 6, 7, 16, 20, 21, 26, 29, and 30.

Finances will perk up quite a bit from now on, now that Jupiter is in Pisces from January 17 onward for almost the entire year.
作者: gzsumsll    时间: 2010-1-16 02:38


现在由巨蟹座和摩羯座作为至高无上的统治日蚀的新家庭了,所以你将不再处在宇宙的暴风眼中。向那些近期被迫做出的重大调整说再见吧!你在过去的两年多的时间里,被迫做了很多的调整,虽然所有的日蚀都带来改变, 但是即将到来的这个日蚀,接受起来将容易得多。





记下来的1月15日的日蚀, 将点亮你关于身体健康的宫, 因此这对于开始提高你的力量和耐力或者手术或者其他的锻炼方式是个理想的时刻。还是那样,等几天再开始,远离蚀的时刻才是最幸运的,也就是等到1月17日或者18日。




[ 本帖最后由 gzsumsll 于 2010-1-16 02:39 编辑 ]

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