
标题: 苏珊·米勒Susan Miller白羊座2010年1月运势 [打印本页]

作者: 汽车人    时间: 2009-12-31 16:12
标题: 苏珊·米勒Susan Miller白羊座2010年1月运势
Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Your January Horoscope by Susan Miller

Aries Horoscope for January 2010

By Susan Miller

December ended on a jarring note. An emotional lunar eclipse, December 31 - for some readers in different time zones, say, in Japan or Australia, for instance, this eclipse arrived January 1 - made it clear that your life is changing. It seems you were, or will be, caught a bit by surprise about what happened on this eclipse, particularly if you are a March-born Aries. This eclipse is connected to the ones that came by in July 2009, so in a way, the seeds for this eclipse were actually sown at that time.

It is common for an eclipse to bring on unsettling feelings because change brings with it an air of uncertainty. Eclipses bring developments from the outside world in, over which we have no control. The elements in regard to your old life - or more specifically, your home or family situation - may now be perfect and complete and will now finish. Or, you may discover that your living situation no longer fits your needs, isn't functional, or is no longer capable of adding to your growth, profit, or pleasure and should now end. Sometimes we know something is over but we don't act to end that situation, so the universe sends an eclipse to do what we can't bring ourselves to do for ourselves. In any circumstance, we need to bravely move on, even if events seem unfamiliar and the road ahead unclear. That feeling will pass as you move forward, so don't worry about that.

This particular eclipse will bring lifestyle changes, or will focus you on your physical home, the people with whom you share your space, a tenant, or with other property you own or rent. It is also possible you will be focused on a close family member, namely your mother or father, or other person you think of as a parent. That person may need your help or sympathy, and you will need to be there for him or her.

Everything in our lives has its own timetable, with its own start and end cycle. We don't always have control over when an endeavor, situation, or relationship will finish and won't be part of our life anymore. That's what can make a full moon lunar eclipse so unnerving - lunar eclipses bring endings, and because it's a full moon too (always), it brings with it memories, dreams, and plenty of feelings. Often the new things that enter our lives afterward are so positive that later we are happy that we were forced to make a change. Go with the flow - change is often good for us, for it sets up new ways to experience life.

This eclipse will be in hard angle to Saturn, so it means you will have to be very practical, take a "grown up" position by facing responsibilities, and take sensible, prudent steps. Or it may mean that you get a bit of grief from a partner who is highly uncooperative and you'll have to humor that person to go along with you. There is not a lot any of us can do about events eclipses bring on, other than to roll with them as best we can. Eclipses are non-negotiable, so it's not possible to get the situation or thing "back" by any means, so don't spend time trying as it won't give you a productive result. Start working on your next chapter of life.

This eclipse, falling at 10 degrees Cancer, will NOT affect all Aries. It will only affect you if you were born within five days of March 30, or a planet at or close to 10 degrees Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn. It is also possible that you already felt the eclipse, as news that reached you last month on November 30 / December 1 could have given you a clue. Astrologers work with bell curves, so you may feel it not a month before, but rather a month after January 30 on or near February 28 or March 1.

In December 2001 we had a similar eclipse on December 30, so you might want to look back to see what situations came up then if you are old enough to remember. Also looking further back, on January 15, 1991, we had a similar solar eclipse. However, if you do look back, keep in mind that other planets have since moved into very different positions, so only the theme will come up, not a replay of events.

Eclipses always come in pairs, so the next one will arrive on January 15 as a new moon solar eclipse. This will be an exciting one for you because it will light your tenth house of fame and honors quite brilliantly with a crown of stars that will lift your name to the very top of the marquee. This suggests you are about to be considered for a very high position, very possibly the best you've ever seen in your life! News of the opportunity should appear within days or weeks after this new moon solar eclipse happens on January 15.

Because the Sun is being "eclipsed out," a male boss may leave, but this may work to your favor in some way, either by moving up in your company, or by following this person to his new job. It's also alternatively possible that as a result of this person leaving, your current job won't give you the spark it once did so you will be motivated to find out is "out there" for you, and stumble into your amazing new opportunity. Mercury has been retrograde since December 26, but will fortunately turn direct on January 16 - give an extra few days beyond this date to begin to announce big initiations or decisions.

Saturn will be in very hard angle to Pluto, to reach an apex by January's end, but you will feel the tensions of these two planets all month. This suggests that the competition for your special new job may be quite vigorous, and some candidates may try anything - even ruthless tactics - to get it. If you are self-employed, this would describe your competition. It's best to know that these things will be going on, so in this fierce environment you will have to present your qualifications or goods / services in the very best possible light. You can do this - you have in the past, and you will again.

Don't be worried one bit about this! These other desperate people probably won't have a crown of stars in their tenth house of fame as you will this month - Venus will make you popular with VIPs. Pluto's position means the job itself will be VERY powerful and that you are right for it, Mercury in this house will give you the ability to articulate your qualifications quite well, and the new moon and solar eclipse on January 15 will initiate the opportunity for you to shine in the first place.

Here's the most wonderful news! You will ALSO have Uranus in perfect angle to the eclipse of January 15, and that's a magnificent coincidence. Uranus is placed in late degree of Pisces, in a confidential, behind-the-scenes sector, so someone will be helping you in surprising ways. You probably won't even know others are working quietly on your behalf - not until later, if ever! You will quite literally be at the right place at the right time, so when the call comes through, you will have to be ready and quite decisive to go in there and get this top position!

If you were born between April 14 and 19, you will be in line for a stroke of career luck from this January 15 eclipse.

Now let's turn to matters of love. Mars, your ruler, has been retrograde in your house of true love since December 20, but you could have felt the slowdown much earlier, perhaps as early as late November. You seem to be reviewing what happened in a new relationship to make things slow down or go off the rails. Now, in January, you may still be a bit puzzled by the events. Until Mars goes direct March 10, you won't have the full story, so try to make as much sense of things as you can, and if you are still in touch with each other, listen carefully to what your partner has to say.

If you have a long and steady relationship, things may get a bit complicated by Saturn's turn retrograde in your marriage and commitment house on January 13, to stay retrograde until May 30, 2010. If you are planning a wedding, be sure to plan it for after May 30 for best luck. With Saturn retrograde, however, you may have second thoughts about getting married as soon as you had planned, for a wide variety of reasons, ranging from the most obvious - your feelings - to developments with money and economics, or having to do with news in regard to family or career. If you are already married, a delay or change could have to do with other plans you had agreed to initiate together soon. This is a good time to review things - later does not mean never.

A big cosmic event will take place on January 17 when Jupiter moves into Pisces. From then until June 13, you will be moving through the last part of a 12-year cycle. On June 13, Jupiter will make a brief visit to Aries for the duration of the summer, to go back to Pisces on September 9 and stay there until January 22, 2011.

While Jupiter is in Pisces, it will be time to say good-bye to many elements of your old life that are outworn and of no future value. This coming summer is due to be incredibly happy, and also you will thoroughly enjoy the first six months of 2011. For now, you are clearing the deck for a new cycle, and some of the endings you see happening in the coming months will be initiated by you, others will happen by others or on their own, organically. Don't worry one bit about this process - you need to begin your new cycle with only the best and strongest elements securely fashioned in your life. Everything will happen as they should - you are getting ready for the most wonderful year ever, and you will get a very fine preview of what's to come from June to early September.

The month will end with a full moon in your house of true love on January 30. This will be your favorite time of the month, for it will bring on a memorable romantic episode. I say that to you, dear Aries, if you have a strong and sturdy relationship or are single and open to meeting someone new. Although this full moon will give single Aries an advantage, if you are attached, you too will love the attention and good feelings that are circulating. Celebrate your love for each other by planning a special evening out. If you are always troubled by a partner who is critical, with Mars so close to the moon, this person will be doing that again, so try to get your partner to laugh and let go.

If you were born near April 1, plus or minus five days, you will feel this energy very strongly. No matter when your birthday falls, if you can travel with your partner over this weekend, you will enjoy a double dip of pleasure.

Married, single, or dating seriously, dear Aries, your romantic outlook for the months ahead is simply sensational, thanks to the position of Mars, currently on a mission to make you truly happy. If you haven't found your true love yet, just wait - Cupid is on the way.


The eclipses are back, and dramatic changes are due on two fronts: at your home and family and in regard to your career.

The lunar eclipse that occurred last month on December 31 will still exert a strong flow as the month begins. Full moon eclipses often brings endings and are tied to developments that surfaced at the last eclipse in the series, in this case, at the eclipses of last July. This eclipse falls in your home sector, so you may be focused on physical changes to your residential environment. You may be in the throes of a move, renovation, sale, rental, or purchase - or will be soon. Alternatively, changes may instead focus on the health or well being of a family member, most likely a parent. It seems that home or family news will be all consuming during January's first half. You won't have much time to deliberate about how to help, but fortunately you are decisive by nature.

If you were born near March 30, you will feel the home-related emphasis especially strongly.

Your career will likely bring big news too as soon as the solar eclipse appears, January 15. A chance to nab a prestigious new job or client will be in the offing and could be the opportunity you've long awaited. With Saturn in hard angle to Pluto, you may be dismayed to hear you have stiff competition, but with the powerful planetary support behind you, you are favored to win.

Mercury will turn direct on January 15, a positive development for decision-making, but for best results, wait a few days beyond this date before giving your final answer. This career opportunity has the power to bring you the kind of attention and acclaim that you've long dreamed of having. If you were born on April 14-19 you will notice the effects of this eclipse most.

Throughout the month, there may be some elements of the situation - whether in regard to home or career changes - that you may feel you're being forced to accept. This comes as a result of the current position of Saturn and Pluto. Stay practical and focus on what you can change and don't worry about what you can't. You can make adjustments in months ahead, so press forward.

For now, present your viewpoint in a factual and unemotional way. Financial talks will be part of the discussion too and may cause you some frustration. Life is that way sometimes, so do the best you can. You are moving toward a far better situation, so keep focused on that.

With Mars retrograde, love may be complicated and a bit hard to understand but only until March 10. This is a good time to sort things out, whether together, with your partner, or alone, in your own mind, depending on your situation. If you do want to talk, don't get overly analytical. Aries sometimes likes to control too many of the elements of a relationship. Your leadership ability (or, said another way, your willingness to drive this relationship to the place you want it to go) won't necessarily make things better. In fact, it could make things worse. Let go and see where things go on their own. You can do gentle probing, but it's also possible you've already talked enough and need to give space to your partner. If so, things should perk with this person or another person next month. Also, keep this one thought in mind: With Jupiter coming to Aries in June for the first time in 12 years, you will have the best time ever to find your one true love. It may be someone you know, or it may be someone new. Have a little faith, dear Aries. It will all work out!

In the meantime, the full moon on January 30 should be an enchanting moment if you have a good, solid relationship.

Other runner-up romantic dates this month include January 2, 7, 16, 20, 21, 29, and of course, January 30.

Aries Dates to Note

A full moon eclipse in your home and family sector sets off sudden news: January 1.

Mars, your ruler, will be retrograde, so a romantic relationship may seem out of sync until March 10.

Best date for romance, fun, love, and relaxation: January 30, the full moon plus or minus four days.

Other runner-up romantic dates this month will be January 2, 7, 16, 20, 21, 29, and of course, January 30.

A career matter will take your full attention at the major solar eclipse January 15. A male VIP may leave, sending shock waves through your professional life.

Saturn will retrograde from January 13 to May 30, 2010, so you may not see your career change until mid-year, but rather see signs it is evolving this month.

Help from behind the scenes will begin when Jupiter makes its monumental move into Pisces for the first time since 1998 on January 17.
作者: 汽车人    时间: 2009-12-31 16:15













作者: 汽车人    时间: 2009-12-31 16:15
























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