
标题: 苏珊·米勒Susan Miller狮子座2014年9月星座运势 [打印本页]

作者: 霸天虎    时间: 2014-9-14 15:42
标题: 苏珊·米勒Susan Miller狮子座2014年9月星座运势
For a very long time, a housing, home, or property matter appears to have been on your mind. Saturn is the planet that teaches us that nothing in life comes for free and that most of the achievements that we are proudest to have accomplished come with hard work, sacrifice, and perseverance. Saturn first moved into your solar fourth house of home in October 2012 and began to show you that you could handle more responsibility than you assumed you could when it came to home-related matters. Commitments that were much beyond you only a few years ago seemed suddenly possible now.

If you never thought you could afford to buy a house or condo of your own (or if you already own your home, then a vacation cottage to go to on weekends), suddenly you may have had a longing to own real estate, and with some investigation, found a way to realistically grasp your dream. Or, you may have felt it was time to upgrade your kitchen or bath, and set out to collect bids from contractors.
Whenever Saturn makes a rare, once-in-29-year appearance in your fourth house home, often a space will feel too small, so you may have been hunting for a new apartment or house that would give you and your family more elbow room. You may have had to share your space with roommates, or if your children are growing up, they may have started to crowd you out. If the physical space you live in was not your focus, then Saturn's presence may have pointed to concern for a family member, most likely your mother or father, who needed your care. If this is the way things worked out, you took on the loving care of your relative, because you seemed to be in the best position to care for that parent, even if you have sisters or brothers. As my mother used to say to me, "You get out of life precisely what you put into it." If you have been helping your parent, you will feel a stronger bond with your parent than if you had let your sibling take over.
In addition to having Saturn in this area of your chart since October 2012, you've had a series of eclipses zeroing in on this home and family part of your chart reaching back as far as November 2012 as well. Eclipses typically come by every five and a half months to advance the topic of conversation to a new level of sophistication with each subsequent visit within the same eclipse series (this one being the Scorpio-Taurus series). This keeps happening until the question is fully resolved, which appears to be close to where you are now.
在你的家庭宫里,除了有土星之外,从2012年十一月起来有一系列的日/月蚀出现在你的星盘。日/月蚀一般每五个半月出现一次。它们每次出现会把某些问题/对话推进到更复杂的下一个阶段(目前是天蝎金牛座系列 NB 不太懂什么叫作the Scorpio-Taurus series。查了好久也没找到。)。这种月蚀的反复出现会持续到问题彻底解决。不过从目前状况来看,离解决问题也不远了。
Next month, on October 23, you will have another eclipse in the Scorpio-Taurus series focused on your home and family area of your solar chart, but rather than bring on additional stress, you are likely to find the outcome friendly for this eclipse may bring you new, workable options. The eclipse will be a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio, and solar eclipses have a way of opening a new path. Leos are ruled by the Sun, so you feel solar eclipses more directly than lunar full moon eclipses, and in this case, that's good - you will see direct benefits from the coming eclipse next month, October 23.
That eclipse will be in good angle to Mars, the planet of action, and Venus, planet of beauty. I will go into more detail about this coming solar eclipse next month in your October report, but suffice to say that your emphasis on home and family will continue somewhat, but without a whole crowd of other planets creating a cacophony of confusing voices and directions. Things are about to become clearer and simpler in this area of your life, and I will tell you why.
Mars has been in this area too - can you believe it? Mars entered your fourth area of home on July 25 and ever since has created a sense of urgency for you to decide on a plan. Everything about Mars is brash, quick, and impatient. However, with the planet of action (Mars) and the planet of caution (Saturn) in the same house, you were feeling conflicted about your situation and what to do about it. When a slow moving planet like Saturn confronts a fast moving planet, the slow one wins, as it will remain in the house it is positioned a long time and keep expressing its message during that time.
火星目前也在你的家庭宫 – 难以置信吧?!7月25号火星进入第四宫,之后它一直在制造一种紧张气氛,使你对制定某一计划感到局促不安。火星总是带来这种鲁莽、仓促、不耐烦地感觉。但这次因为有行动谨慎的土星与颇具行动力的火星在同一宫内,你在做决定时会犹豫不决,这是因为如果像土星这种步调慢慢的星体与火急火燎的星体正面冲突的时候,总是土星会胜出 -- 土星在一段时间里会一直呆在某个宫,向你传递信息。


Life has taken on a new glow, ever since late July when Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, crowned you celestial favorite. The tide is now running in your favor, and high-level executives will ask you how they can help you get ahead. In love, you will have powerful allure, so during the coming months, until birthday time next year, August 2015, if single, there's a good chance you will meet your one true love. Here is how the month will proceed.
First, you will need to write checks and manage money over the full moon, September 8. Your actions to streamline your portfolio and expenses can lead to a comforting sense of security. A focus on real estate also appears to be on your mind, so you might be applying for a mortgage or spending on your house or condo, such as to make repairs or to renovate your kitchen or your bathrooms. Of course, doing so would appreciate the value of your property. Pluto, which rules foundations and areas below earth's surface, will also be friendly, so you may be working on the blueprints of a structural changes to your house, or a redo of your basement.
Once Pluto goes direct on September 22, you appear to be ready to go. If you need a home improvement loan, mortgage, or a refinanced mortgage, it appears the bank will grant you the funds you need with an attractive finance rate. Have your talk with your banker at the start of the month to unlock the luck the planets will provide you.
While home and family is likely to be your main concern in the first half, once Mars moves into your fifth house of romance from September 13 to October 25, love will be in the air. The entire tone and emphasis of life will change in a delightful way, and you will find ways to enjoy yourself in ways you've not been able to do so far this year.
Additionally, on September 25, Jupiter, the ruler of your fifth house of love, now touring Leo, will reach out to Uranus, planet of surprise. This will be your favorite day of the month, and very likely one of your favorite days of the year. If you are single, you may be hit by a thunderbolt when you lock eyes with an intriguing someone, perhaps across a crowded room. If married, you will also get plenty of attention from your mate, and enjoy time spent with your children too.
另外,掌管真爱的木星目前在狮子座,9月25号那天木星会到达代表惊喜的天王星(不太懂reach out to 是什么意思)。这天不仅是本月最幸运的日子,也有可能是本年度最幸运的日子之一。单身的你可能会在某个拥挤的房间被某个谜一样的人的双眸牢牢锁住,那一瞬间你的心像是被闪电击中了一般;已婚的你会得到伴侣的关注,与孩子们度过美好时光。
This is a rare aspect, for the last time these two heavy-duty planets, Jupiter and Uranus, communicated with one another in this way, it was 2011. It is very possible that if you are single, romance will strike on a short trip, as the new moon in your short distance travel sector arriving a day prior, September 24, and strong for two weeks. If you're not likely to be out of town on September 24, this same sector rules your neighborhood too, so doing your quick errands around your home may trigger a chance meeting too. This means you'll have to look your very best when in line at the post office or supermarket, or when browsing new book titles at your neighborhood bookstore.
木星和天王星这两颗重量级的行星有这样的接触还是非常罕见的,上一次有这样的接触机会要追溯到2011年。如果你是单身,爱情非常有可能在一次短途旅行中降临 – 新月在9月24号到达短途旅行宫,停留两个星期。如果24号那天没机会远行,你也可以在你家周围走走,做做琐事,也很有可能发生浪漫的邂逅。也就是说,即便是去邮局或超市,或是在家附近的书店随便看看新书,你也要展现自己最好最精致的一面。
Life will hold all sorts of exciting surprises this month, dear Leo, and all of them will be especially sweet for you!

Dates to Note: Leo
Most important dates for enjoying love, meetings, or actions: 1, 2, 6, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25, and 29.
关于爱情、会议及行动的最佳日期:1, 2, 6, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25, 和 29.
A powerhouse day to meet with a VIP, boss or client will be September 3, when the Sun will trine Pluto.
On the Harvest Moon, September 8, you may finish up negotiations for your company compensation, perks, and benefits. Venus in Virgo should help you get the salary you need too this month, from September 5 to 28.
Great days to make a real estate decision would be either September 10 or 11 when the Sun and Saturn will offer you a great opportunity to find the space of your dreams and to ensure you remain there for a very long time.
Your love life will take flight when Mars enters your love zone from September 13 until October 25, just in time to kick off the year-end holiday season.
Once the new moon arrives on September 24 in your third house of travel, you may be on the road more than usual in the coming two weeks. You may see your sibling more often too.
Jupiter in perfect angle to Uranus is one of the featured aspects of 2014 and will bring excitement and a fresh feeling of hope on September 25. You may start something new to expand your horizons. You may travel, study, send a query letter to a magazine article - something will have you feel excited about this new chapter you are beginning.

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