在9月8日前后5天内出生的人会尤其感受到这次满月。如果你看过你的本命盘,那么你就会发现你拥有双鱼上升16°(包括前后5°),或者处女座、双鱼座、天蝎座上升16°(包括前后5°)的本命星,这次的满月会直接与星体进行沟通。(这段不懂乱译,原文:Virgos born on or within five days of September 8 will feel this full moon the most. If you have done your natal chart, and you know you have Pisces rising within five degrees of Pisces rising 16 degrees, or a natal planet within five degrees of 16 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, or Scorpio, this full moon will speak directly to that planet as well.)