
苏珊·米勒[Susan Miller]12月天平天秤座运势【转载】

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Just about every part of life is about light up this month, so it will be busy, but there will be cross currents due from several planets too, so not everything will be as it appears. You will have a full moon, a new moon, and a total eclipse - a lot of activity for one little month, and each will kick up some dust. On top of that, two planets, Mercury and Mars, will take a nap and go retrograde, so we will all have to make do without the gifts that these two planets usually provide us. As a result of all this, you will need to plan to go slowly in December. Fortunately, things usually do quiet down at holiday time, so if you decide to put off making a major life decision for the time being, others will understand.


In the meantime, December is just made for love, and your social life will shine brightly - the planets will be acting like loving relatives bent on getting you happily coupled up. If you are already coupled up, December's glittering vibrations will coax you to rediscover and recapture the early days of your romance. Do you think that's impossible? Not with the four-star aspects you have coming! December should be simply glorious. Let's now have a closer look to see what is going on this month.


December begins on a very positive note for romance. On December 1, Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments and ruler of your fifth house of true love, will speed powerfully direct after having been in sleepy retrograde orbit since June 15. This should bring a big boost to your social life, especially if you are single. You won't have as many fits and starts in your dating experience as you've had in recent months, and if you are actively seeking an important new love relationship, you may finally find someone who fascinates you and who you will want to know better. If you are attached and have had problems conceiving a baby, you will have reason for hope. Uranus will stay in good form until July 5, 2010, a very long time.


Uranus rules your fifth house but there are other benefits of this planet's direct course from now on, for Uranus is currently visiting your sixth house of work and health. You may feel stronger and more vibrant, and if you have not been well, you should see your health improve, perhaps because of a newly developed medication or high-tech procedure that your doctor recommends for you. If you have been feeling fine, a new workout or nutritional program will give you better results from now on.


If you were looking for a part time job or a full time job similar to the one you had at your old job, Uranus' turn direct should bring news of an offer or at the very least a solidly good job to aim for. If you are a manager and have not been able to find qualified personnel to hire that you can afford, again, you'll be in luck. Your creativity will surge forward and if you've been plagued with creative block, you can say good-bye to that problem! My goodness, you will have a lot to cheer about when Uranus turns direct.


The full moon on December 2, operative plus five days, may find you coming back from a distant city. You may be taking off on a trip, but if so, you likely won't stay long. Still, you'll feel satisfied with the things you accomplish, for you'll be under excellent aspects. Even if you need to travel for work, you will find a way to mix in a little fun and enjoy the change of scene. This trip will should be very productive, for the full moon will send a very encouraging beam to Mars. If you regularly work with foreign people and export or import of goods, services, or information, you will conclude a project or negotiation, and afterward, there will be smiles all around.


Those Libras in college, or who are interviewing for college or graduate school, will reach an important milestone within four days of this full moon December 2. You may get a key letter, take a big test (if so, you'll do well, so don't worry so much), or you'll make a major decision about your choices in educational institutions

发表于 2009-12-2 12:58:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

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发表于 2009-12-2 17:10:07 | 只看该作者

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Mars will also go retrograde this month, which means that a certain close relationship might lose some momentum, but if so, it would only be temporary. This will be evident from December 20 to March 10, so be patient. If you feel your relationship seems to lose energy, is not progressing, or has lost focus or direction, things will regulate soon.

发表于 2009-12-2 12:59:23 | 只看该作者

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Look over your holiday shopping list, and if you know you need to buy any expensive gifts, you need to have them purchased by December 9. If you plan to buy an electronic item, it will be doubly important to do so early.

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发表于 2009-12-2 12:59:16 | 只看该作者

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Get as much done in early December as you can, because things will start going haywire soon. First, Mercury will go retrograde from December 25 to January 16, but you will feel the effects of this planet out of phase as soon as December 9. Mercury will retrograde in your home sector, the main area where you will feel most of the delays. Mercury retrograde is never a time to buy or sell property, close on a house, sign a lease, accept a new job, or to do anything else important. The wind is about to change direction, and until you know precisely which way it will go, you need to sit tight.

发表于 2009-12-2 12:59:11 | 只看该作者

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If you are involved in the media, say, in publishing or broadcasting, you may be finishing up a major project, or, you may be the subject of an important interview on TV or in print. As you see, this full moon could mark a number of thrilling developments. If you were born near October 3, plus or minus five days, you will enjoy the results of this full moon December 2 even more.

发表于 2009-12-2 12:59:05 | 只看该作者

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If you are involved in a legal court case or dispute with an insurance company, you may get to a final resolve, or at the very least, see a key development come up at this time in your case. Proceed, because you will be under excellent aspects. With a little luck, you may be able to settle all points.

发表于 2009-12-2 12:58:59 | 只看该作者

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