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Alfred Douglas: the tarot (1)

已有 2771 次阅读2011-6-15 19:33 |个人分类:塔罗学习|

preface:  what is tarot
56 cards:  lesser arcana    small cards
Italian ——  bastoni   (batons or clubs)
                   coppes    (cups)
                   spade      (swords)
                   denari     (coins)
                   Ace   1-10
                   Re (king)   Dama(queen)   Cavallo(knight)   Fante(knave or jack)
English (French) :  Trefles (trefoils)   Coeurs (hearts)  Piques (pikes)  Carreaux (paving tiles)
                            Clubs                  Hearts               Spades            Diamonds
22 cards:  greater arcana    Tarot trumps
               Italian      French     English
Chapter 1   The origin of Tarot cards
the earliest playing cards originated in China and Korea      
at least the 11th century   Tang dynasty
India cards     western playing cards first appeared in India during the 16th century
Arab cards     Spain —— naipes      Flemish word "Knaep"   meaning paper
pack was brought into Europe by Gypsies coming from either Egypt or India. But the Gypsies did not appear in the west in any numbers until the middle of the 15th century , a full hundred years after the cards were known in every country from Italy to  Northern France. The Gypsies adopted them and did much to spread them abroad, but they did not invent playing cards.   pp.20
the designs originated inside Europe not from elsewhere
Tarot     Ta-rosh        Egyptian word ------- the royal way
             rota              Latin word -------- a wheel
             Torah           Hebrew -------- the law       Qabalah (spain)
             Thoth           Egyptian god of magic
             Tarot           French
             Tarocco       Italy           
             Taro    Taroc   Tarok
4 suits :  from china
court cards:  from chess
major trumps :  existence in 1415
                       majority of the packs for the great families of Northern Italy
                       after 1750   Italy, French, other trump designs
Chapter 2    the symbolism of the tarot
the medieval renaissance
          multi-religions    multi-racial     translation
a commentary on the first books of the Aeneid, a verse translation of an Arabic work on astrological geomancy, and a long poem chronicling the outcome of an astrologer's prediction. pp.30
Gnostic influences on medieval thought
           resurgence of interest in pagan classical beliefs
the Gnostic theme of the major trumps
           if the 22 cards are viewed in sequence, they reveal the theme of classical gnosticism.
the varied sources of tarot imagery
           incorporate not only christian gnostic and islamic imagery, but celtic and norse elements as well
the art of memory
the game of triumphs     22 major cards    renaissance italy
the minor cards of the tarot pack 


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