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[Tarot Spreads]Astarte's Spread

2022-7-1 18:10| 发布者: 霸天虎| 查看: 614| 评论: 0

摘要: 1. The Past.This card tells about the past and how it relates to the question.2. The Present.This card will tell about the present; this defines the present situation as it relates to the question.3. ...

1. The Past.

This card tells about the past and how it relates to the question.

2. The Present.
This card will tell about the present; this defines the present situation as it relates to the question.

3. The Future.
The outcome of the situation, if nothing is done to change it.

4. Below.
This is what is working against the querent, or what they aren't seeing.

5. Above.
What is working for the querent to their advantage.

6. Helpers. Something that will help the querent.


