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Cards of the Minor Arcana: Pentacles

2022-7-1 18:08| 发布者: 霸天虎| 查看: 447| 评论: 0

摘要: This deck usually represents financial matters, or anything in a material sense.Ace of PentaclesNew ventures in financial matters; could mean a new start in money matters. Reversed: Hard times financi ...

This deck usually represents financial matters, or anything in a material sense.

Ace of Pentacles
New ventures in financial matters; could mean a new start in money matters. Reversed: Hard times financially; a warning not to start new financial ventures as they could be bad ideas.

2 of Pentacles
A man juggling two pentacles on a tightrope. Represents having to juggle things financially; feeling like you are waking a tightrope financially. Reversed: Losing control of a situation.

3 of Pentacles
An artist working in what looks like a church. Represents hard work, labor, the fruits of labor. Reversed: Can mean not working and expecting the world to take care of you.

4 of Pentacles]
A man clutching the pentacles he owns. Generally means being miserly or just careful with your possessions. Reversed: Being able to let go of material possessions.

5 of Pentacles
A poor couple walking through the wind and snow past a church window with five pentacles in it. Can mean being destitute; represents financial hard times while those around you are wealthy. Reversed: Overcoming financial insecurities. Being able to save money.

6 of Pentacles
A man distributing his wealth to the needy. Represents being charitable; ability to attach little meaning to physical possessions. Reversed: Can mean not being chraitable and giving when you are able; being possessive.

7 of Pentacles
A young man looking at the fruits of his labor. Can mean seeing the results of hard work; working hard and getting what you deserve. Reversed: Having worked and are not seeing results. Can also mean not putting the effort you need to into something.

8 of Pentacles
A man at work on his art. Represents the creation of something; hard work. Reversed: Not working at something; laziness.

9 of Pentacles
A woman in a garden with a bird. Represents security; feelings of happiness and contentment. Reversed: Feelings of insecurity; withdrawing from the world.

10 of Pentacles
A family in a garden of pentacles. Represents happiness and security. Reversed: Insecurity; not knowing what will happen next.

Page of Pentacles
A young man who is serious and intelligent. Tends toward the sciences. Reversed: A young man who probably isn't book-smart; someone who maybe lacks common sense.

Knight of Pentacles
A man who is good with money and probably the sciences. Reversed: A man who may not be very good at finances. Tends to be possessive.

Queen of Pentacles
A woman who is very good with money and is very good at the math and sciences. Very quiet and thoughtful. Reversed: A withdrawn woman who may not be good with money. Tends to be possessive.

King of Pentacles
An authoritative but fair man, who is very smart and is very good at the math and sciences. Reversed: A man who probably doesn't manage finances well; also is probably lacking common sense.


