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塔罗专业出版商之比利时AG穆勒公司/About Cartamundi, Latin for "cards for th ... ...

2015-7-9 01:09| 发布者: 中华塔罗网| 查看: 4090| 评论: 0

摘要: From Playing Cards, to full Promotional Marketing CampaignHistory of Cartamundi Playing CardsCartamundi was established in 1970 as a joint-venture combining the playing card activities ofBrepols,Van G ...

From Playing Cards, to full Promotional Marketing Campaign

Cartamundi Playing Cards Headquarters Turnhout

History of Cartamundi Playing Cards

Cartamundi was established in 1970 as a joint-venture combining the playing card activities of BrepolsVan Genechten and Biermans and is therefore able to boast of200 years experience in the production and sale of playing cards and cards for games. The head office of Cartamundi is located in Turnhout, Belgium.


International Network

The group generated sales in 2010 of 147,5 million Euro with a workforce of 1.200 and with factories in Belgium, Germany, the UK, Poland, the USA, Brazil, Mexico and India, and its own sales offices in the Netherlands, France, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Hungary, Chile and Singapore. In 2008, the company was awarded as Entrepreneur of the Year.(see contactpage)


Playing Cards Collection

Cartamundi has its own retail collection with licensed cards (such as Disney®, James Bond®, Harry Potter®, Fifa®, etc.), but is also known for its promotional card collections (e.g. Pixar Delhaize and WWF Delhaize), casino cards, collector cards (e.g. Yu-Gi- Oh! ®) and cards for games (such as Uno®, Monopoly®). Thanks to its long-term experience and specialist knowledge the company is able to continuously develop innovative playing cards and card games to further expand the Cartamundi range.


