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塔罗专业出版商之意大利圣甲虫公司/About Lo Scarabeo Edizioni d'Arte

2015-7-9 01:03| 发布者: 中华塔罗网| 查看: 7676| 评论: 0

摘要: Lo ScarabeoEdizionid'ArteArt Publishers since 1987Since 1987, Art Publisher Lo Scarabeo has published over 100Tarotdecks that had been acclaimed all over the world for originality and quality.Only the ...

Lo Scarabeo Edizioni d'Arte

Art Publishers since 1987

 Since 1987, Art Publisher Lo Scarabeo has published over 100 Tarot decks that had been acclaimed all over the world for originality and quality.

Only the best Italian and International artists are given the realization of new decks, and the result is that Lo Scarabeo's decks are all recognizable for an exceptional artistic value.

In a continuous struggle to develop, care for and rediscover the Tarot tradition, Lo Scarabeo efforts are going in three main directions:

Tradition: Reprint of historical and ancient deck. Rediscovery of Tarot cards as artistical objects and as a game of skill. Lo Scarabeo is the only publishing house in the world who nowadays invest in preserving the Tarot tradition;

Developing: New decks and ideas are continually generated and gathered from all over the world. This allowed Lo Scarabeo to produce some of the most new and innovative decks of the last ten years;

Quality: Lo Scarabeo is committed to the ever increasing quality and beauty of his products. Recently, Lo Scarabeo changed the standard size of cards and added a booklet of instruction specific for each deck.


Lo Scarabeo is not only Tarot, however. In Italy it is known as one of the premier company ragarding illustrations and comics. In 1997 won the prestigeous award "Yellow Kid" as the best Publishing House of the Year.

The trademarks of Lo Scarabeo are always the same:

personal touch
love for what they are doing.

The copyright of any and every image of Tarots published by Lo Scarabeo are proprerty of Lo Scarabeo. Reproduction, even partial, of any image is ruled by International Laws on Copyright.

Those interested in the rights on the images of Lo Scarabeo for calendars, puzzles, bookmarks, postcards or any other project or utilization may contact Lo Scarabeo.



